Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Criminalization Of my Oppressors

I feel a sense of vitality this morning, and I want to address the public about my current events while I have the readiness and willingness.

I want criminalization of this technology as to obtain our rights of humanitarian dignity. I don't believe in the denial of my own ability to control my thoughts and actions. I wish to be free of my oppressors. I wish to obtain my own self again, or as the sorrow forgives me, for once.

If you have known about my story the complications are as extensive as the integrity of working motives and origins in our histories, auctions of life, religions and faiths, current events, probations, governments, and the examples of humans in general.

We have been born into a generation controlled and motivated by ulterior forces and persons. These effects have placed bounds on all living beings at this point in time. My life has seemed to become something that has effected us all. Through the torpedo of victimization and struggle to regain consciousness of my own person I have been in the middle of the world's largest cultural ependymal of paranoiac relativity that mankind has ever faced. I am continuing to speak about my understandings because in my heart this is the evil of our lands and the burden of misery that I have been born unto is a depth of forgine hideousness that has submerged my ability to live freely and with grace. I am product of mind control, and frankly, I cannot tolerate the abuse I have endured. Nor should we.

Technical terms may cease me here in my writings, because half of this I do not know the government name for, but the concept and emotional connectivity is renounced through detailed and vivid memories I have obtained in my time developing my professional order. I have asked in manner to be apart of the chain connection of our networking as in order for prevention of further incitement of violence, but I do not wish to be apart of the genocide that I have been ordained into. I don't not wish to be oppressed. I do not wish to be evil.

Recently, the abundancy in uses of Mind control and physical altering technology has become aware to the public eye in a nature that allows for the illusive relation of this to heighten and multiply. It is here, it is for the taking, people in masses are granted its general use, and  what is appointed for its designation is problematic for the future of humanity. It's not good for us to relive my life. Honest.
I have become an anomaly to the existence of one person, partially because my existence does not consist of one single child entering into adulthood, but of multiple children and persons entering onto one body of spirit throughout my entire life. The people that have oppressed me are now compensating for their actions against me as a relative response to normal social behavior in an allowance ideology of grandiose relations and delusions. This is the offset of abuse of authority, and corruption of wealth and power that I have witnessed and fallen victim to within my lifetime. As of today, I am one and a half days new, twenty-seven years and three-hundred and fifty-one days old. I do not know the next time I will become a two day new human. I have been replaced and reincarnated just about each day for the past 6 months, sometimes I was changed five times an evening. In my lifetime I have been through events like this over four-hundred accounts.

It is hard for me to fight off mind control drugging. When I am dosed with ketamine or rohypnol through this technology or drugged through my food, for as much might as I can muster I cannot fight these things off. Eventually, I become weak and drowned in exhaustions. Each day I wake, I can feel the suffocations of my body from the time that I was laid out. The haziness of waking and the speckled sight from oxygen restriction is the beginning of the next evening for me. I feel as though for the past 5 years I have not even been able to catch my breath during all of this. Eventually, we all become over run with how much abuse they have been giving me.

I have threats against my life each day. I do not have adequate protection from my government, nor do I have the podium that I desire to speak and fight these horrors in the public eye. This is partially the beginning to as why it is fundamental for us to obtain criminalization of mind control technology, and for the people that have orchestrated this against me to be held accountable for the genocide they are inflicting onto the public and myself. They will continue to do these insane and heinous acts of horrors until their actions are negotiated as responsible and accepted through the submission of humanity. This is not only me, it's affecting and is happening to all international generations alive. They use abuse of authority and corrosion through financial gain with the manipulation of brain waves to achieve partial acceptance until our publics will have no other choice but of acceptance for these ideologies and perversions. It a steeping of implementation for wickedness, and out of fear they are trying to secure their freedom and oppress us further.

I hate them, the ones that stalk me and change the direction and narrative of the people I encounter.