Sunday, July 31, 2016

This was played in my subconscious.

I just want to say that number one Israel needs to step down.

Number two, This woman who is in front of you would be me.

These are all the things I have done, and am doing. (along with the help of the world wide web)

Friday, July 29, 2016


I was thinking about how often I hear V2K. It's always. It's always the information of perverts being thrown at me.

Last night there was a huge issue over my body as my own and who owns me. I am fighting for my independence, and for as much as there is I am not liable for my traumatizers actions because I am not one of them.

Every time I try to do something independently I am blackmailed with other people's sexual abuse. It's like my action are the reason why these people do such cruel things. No, you are using me as an excuse to cause pain, and I am here to tell you that my nakedness is not impure and does not dictate your actions. I am not holding a gun to your face and telling you do something like you have been. You did these things way before me, you do them regardless of my voices contesting each horrific event, and if I fail you'll do them after me, too. These type of people enjoy torturing others, I dont. But I have been afflicted with this for so long, that I want out of the equation right now. From the petty to major, leave me alone for a minute. Dont start no stuff there wouldnt be no stuff.

I can't take it anymore. THIS IS TOO MUCH CONTROL FOR ME.

I am NOT liable for thier reaction to my normalcy, or anything really. I just wanted to sit down and write a book about my wisdom and experiences and move on with my life. THIS IS AMERICA!

It finally happened that my choice of reaction to thier abuse is the worse one for them. Me just saying "at this time, I need to focus on myself, be a 27 year old woman. I cannot control everything right now. I dont have it. I have two points of hope for myself. I wait it out and be patient in persecution, recuperate from all the abuse that I have gone through, it's not that I dont care but I dont have the strength to fight this right now. I dont have the apathy to play into your abuse. I cannot control you, and regardless of my actions you will continue to do what you will. So I am not going to feed your negativity, murders, child molestations, or whatever you say you must do to control the situation, I am going to do what I want regardless of your actions, too. Sorry I am too independent. Sorry I chose freedom. Sorry I am smarter and know I need to take a break. Sorry youre not allowed to work me into the ground."
Knowing that the ultimate outcome of my patient care plans is death (murder), I chose freedom. I am living my life day by day with goals that I want to achieve, and hopefully with me taking back time for myself and helping my body, mind, and spirit for a while, I will be stronger later.
I have told these people for well over a month now what I was about to do.
If you want to blame something on me maybe you should check the privacy. Maybe you should stay more private and not invade my personal space 24/7?

The Bible says it is THEM, I am going with "IT IS THEM" as well.

It came to me fighting with the Queen or at least her body double about privacy and she asked "what about when everyone has one of these?" Referring to this technology.

I said "After all this settles down and people get used to this technology and understanding it, they will only use it in a time of emergency. Like normal people. No one wants to sit there and monitor other people all the time unless you're a stalker."

Christopher chimes in "I said that." Referring to how later in existence after we're done away with all the OOO's and AHH's of this technology, and this becomes normalized, that people will use it in times of emergencies.

I am adding in as a form of communication as well. Like a telephone call.

Seriously. I am being threatened with people's execution over masturbation. But if I don't take time for my vagina it will become weak and I will be subjected to more pelvic inflammatory disease, to even possibly losing my ability to carry a child all together or having my cervix literally fall to the lower parts of my vaginal canal. Yes, it's that serious for me.
I am choosing to focus on my health.

Christopher just said "it might." Referring to my cervix falling to the lower part of my vagina.

I mean I have had serious sexual abuse. Woman die from the amount of sex abuse I have endure.

Give me my alone time, and stop trying to condemn my actions.

Masterbation is good for my vagina. I dont care how much I have been traumatized, I focus on it in the moment.
I am not perverted for this regardless of thier repercussions to my actions when I am helping prevent further health problems for me. I am not going to sacrifice myself over thier hate. I am going to take things slow, and learn to handle this day by day, but right now I know what  is best for me.

ISIS is going to kill people regardless of me. Okay.
The Queen is going to be evil and manipulative regardless of me. Okay.
She said that masterbation is impure. I dont think so, even with my level of trauma.
They are just mad that I wont sleep around, because according to my patient care plan that is my other option. But the person I do that with can chose patient care plans that hook us up to underground child prostitutes or kids like North West, and I'd rather not involve anyone else.
Plus, I dont want to go into my psychology about sexual intercourse with multiple people, but it hurts my heart. So I just avoid it all together.

Someone just said "You should abstain."
Then another male says "Not with all that we do to her vagina."

Yes, my vagina is important to me as she is part of my body.
They have told me twice in the last week that I have cancer all over my vagina, and the doctors wont disclose or treat me, so I have to take care of it at home.

9:29 pm

I wrote the previous text and then got in the shower quickly before I go for the evening and deal with all that I have to take care of. Some of this is picking up older stuff from my moms house and bring it to my new one, another is talking to a few people... ect.

But They said you should explain this a little better.

We had a discussion about my trauma report and all the isolated incidents of trauma that I have accounted in  last four years.

I said at this point with as much as I have gone through, I am less of a pervert for my masturbation, not a killer or murderer- I think God would side with me on that because I have done so many preventive measures to end this that I made a great mark. I still need to take care of my physical being.

Someone in the White house said "I said that, too."
Then It was quickly changed to "wrong."

I said "everything that is held against me, will be held against you."

If in this point, Hillary Clinton is not a child molesters, but a legalized something or other, but I was traumatized or brainwashed not to remember what she said just then. I think I wrote it early on. But it's a term that basically says some people are allowed to interact in pedophila with out being a naturalized pedophile for the good of our Government.
Although, we all know that these people on this list are naturalized pedophiles and as Hillary has stated  "we get too much enjoyment out of it." When asked to end peophial in the American Government.

They are making it seem that peophila and corruption is acceptable under certain cercumstances, but for a Woman of The Lord (me) an action notably condoned in manners of cultural adherences that could be used against a person, like sexually, or emotional conduct, ect.. As if I deserve no grace for myself.. is the worst thing. Anything I do do the worst thing.

I am having a hard time organizing my thoughts about this subject, that is why half the time on my blogger they are incomplete.

I need to sit down and make an outline for somethings and then write them down. I would have been able to write this efficiently if I was not under so much mind control, but my thoughts are often displaced and I loose pieces to puzzles at times.

So they are rearranging perspectives of abuse in this day and age. In order to hurt my reputation and condemn a person like me, and to make the public approve of thier sexual abuse.
With MIND CONTROL involved and the whole orchestration happening, these things may be a possibility.
Its like what is Good will become evil, and what is evil will become good. Woah unto them.
I am seeing the paradigm shift happening with me at the center.

Someone just says "you too. For not protecting these." Then the image of a few kids pop up in my mind.

I say "No, what good am I if I am dead?"
I am not going to be under control anymore. End of story.

What happened last night is I put my foot down about what they are doing to me. These kids, The queen threatened to murder them if I mastubated, and with all that I have been through I did not listen.

I was talking to someone else through v2k, and they said, "No, they were just mental images."
Indicating that it was not real. He said prior to that "I'd kill you for not protecting them if I wouldn't have done that same thing for unincome."  (yes, the government has changed the meaning of the english language drastically in order to control my life.) (further explanation is need, will do, check that.)

It scares me that someone would blame me for all of this. It does not seem rational.

I will tell you the complete story in my book about what happened, to the best of my ability, but I have stuff I need to go do tonight and take care of.

I need to stay with the Bible,and listen to the wisdom.

Time to grow my strength.

So I want to talk about

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How I feel people look at me... winking is still a sign of deceit. 
What is happening.

Obama, Targeted Individuals, Gang-stalking Presidential Level.

March 16th, early morning. 

 Being stalked by the President of The United States of America with leaders of ISIS

Apple of My Eye:

I really want to talk about the Apple of my eye, losing it, finding it, loving it, needing it: 

When I was sitting down with the Bible and I was having all these Revelations from the Resurrection to whom I is, my purpose, my calling, my ambition. (yes, I have a lot of ambition) 
Here is a song to back that up... 
I also, want to say that I am one of the original canaan families in America. It goes way back. Most of the drug money that is fed to the people are from my people. 
"Even Habib did for a while." 

Okay, well, onward... 

Because I wanted to talk about losing the apple of my eye, and how this all ties into my current events... 

Lets begin with what my apple is.. 

For me it's bringing happiness to the world and providing a New Earth, one we have not seen before. That's kinda it in a nutshell. 
Restoring the Kingdom of God on Earth, Resurrecting the soul old and new with a new Earth, doing this with all my witty inventions, using the key to the universe, healing the nations... and such. 
I am more than capable, given resources to do alllllll these things, as all things are possible with God. I really believe this because I see this everyday.  One thing that was in my heart, for myself was my children one day. That would be for a lot of parents, I am going to speak about woman our self, a prevalent purpose for the apple of your eye. For me this is true. I have always been maternal, a matriarchal figure. My best friend in high school said one time that she loves the cow because of how motherly they are. There bone structure is strong and graceful, full of poise and wisdom in thier line. They feed us, and nurture young for as long as we have met them. 
One of the more beautiful statements that I have listened to ever being spoken. I cannot repeat what she said verbatim, or tell you the exact feeling of grace that came with this sentence, but I can tell you that the calming beautiful of what God has created for us  forges our respect for eachother. I still to this day think about that phrase often when I see cow, or think about mamas.  

I have lost my children. Even worse than losing a child is losing them in mind control. Even worse then that is the separation of my own body and taken into the underground to be mutilated and raped on a daily measure by our evil leaders and thier followers. To sit here and watch myself go under sterilization treatment at the hand of our Government was horrifly. To watch Barack Obama abduct my ovum and produce my offspirng in the underground pretty much tore my heart out, because I never wanted that for them, nor would I ever want him and I to have produced an offspring. More in so that I watch these babies be raped and hurt. I watched a little girl be raped electronically in the womb and have Obama repeat back to me "It hurts her." I sat there and was forced to see this baby cry in pain from being raped. Then I sat there and watch Obama close her vagina back up to be raped again. I dont know if that was my child. 
I dont know if that was a real child. 
She was developed in a cadaver that was left of life support. I suppose that woman was a child of this technology as well, or a prostitute in the underground. She looked no more that 20 years old, and dead, a blond timmer but average sized woman on a cold metal table. 
He said this is your child, I said I dont think so. 

It became a game for him to use this infant against me, and I said I dont think it's mine because the shoulder look different. I said it was Beyonce's because she resembled her facially and in the shoulder blades. 

Obama stopped after I said this as talked to someone in his network, and said "She knew that because of the shoulder blades?" 

Beyonce was once yelling, she said "What's the difference? They are going to take them anyways. Mind as well make money off of them." 

This is during the time that all of Beyonce's internal children came out. She has several. I talk to one quite frequently, and I think he has one of the saddest stories. He is a beautiful person, although. I kinda love him, regardless of Beyonce, because I hate her. 
His name is Ibraham. He is the offspring of King AbuDhabi and Beyonce. He is twelve years old, or fourteen, I forget right now, but someplace in there. He is locked in a dirt floor cage with sack cloth to dress himself. He barely eats food, He is kind, he speaks to me, and he says that he also agrees that this type of life needs to end.  He is down there with the rest of the Saudi Royal Family's offspring for sex slavery and child prostitutes.  As Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud said to me through this technology "Some of our family gets this, and some of our family gets that." 
He showed me two mental image adjacent to what he said. The first one was of kids and people in the cages, and then followed with the very rich and decadent life of the Saudi Royal Family. King AbuDabi, who is still alive and kickin it, said "they are sex slaves." Referring to the Quran. I said it's not condoned for your own blood. Anything to get them out of there. 
King Abu Dhabi, the last time we spoke said not to speak about him, but I am going to because we all know that I will. I really want these things to end. I pray for mercy and peace for them. I pray for freedom of all you people. 
Also, another little kid that I met in in the Saudi royal family was someone I have coined the name "Little Elephant Boy." I told him one that in some religions you would be looks at like a God for your shape. I think I love him, too. Not think, they have grown in my heart. He is very kind, too. But I really got attached to this kid when I heard him get the courage to speak up... 

I had to take an intermission because I asked again if He died, and He may have. Or he does not want to talk to me, but I cried a little too.  Because I have a real attachment with him. 
Right, so all these little kids relied on me to help them out of there, and it still looks like everything is going well, but I feel as if I may have let them down with Zika. To protect them and to protect Julia, my niece. I dont know what is going on with that side of the family. They traumatized me so often I had to leave them alone. I dont have thier phone number anymore. 
I should take a trip down there and see if she is okay and well, how they are living and things, but Her mother is a borderline maniac control freak with a stick up her rear. And think she knows everything. I dislike her, too. For the first year that this was happening to me, she sat there and called me a pedophile and retarded. Well, I proved her wrong on that. She could not handle the fact that I was prettier than her and more intelligent, I guess kinder too. She stood there and said me buying my niece clothing when she was being sent to school in see through garments and ripped and stained outfits- that I was grooming her?! I asked her if she realized that the reason her day care provider gave you a full box of hand me down clothing was because you repeatedly inadequately dressed her? She didn't at all. She went into a state of austucken rebellion at that point, and quickly blamed my brother.  I had to point out to her for as smart as you are you really only retain a surface information, but you dont think deeply. You dont think with heart or empathy. I mean my God, you watched them rape me with a newborn and said nothing but accused me sat there and snidely question me about things to see if I was retarded or not. You're fucking horrible. You knew the whole time what happened to me in California because you stole this technology or the password to it from you Illinois state judge mother. And you have the audacity to pick sides with the people who not only harmed me, but harmed those children in the worst type of way.  Then you say "I'm a pedophile for not speaking to you about that when I knew." Right, you could have saved me a lot of heartache. If anyone would have been honest with me, been forthright with me, I mean anyone of you, even about the stupid chain mail letter that said I molested thier son, and we all know the story behind that. It was obviously a lie, and highly illegal to do. Right, like any responsible government employee is going to sit there and handle a child molestation case with chain mail about everything I did wrong or odd. Plus, that is hearsay. Why didn't you just ask me? Why did you wait so long to take it to my brother, or my dad? Why did you say that it was so inappropriate what I did, when you didn't even know the story? You piece of shit, they put another woman's infant in my vagina while I was in drug facilitated sexual assault!  AND YOU KNEW! why because you wanted to cover up your illegal actions? Why didn't you treat me like family and communicate with me? Why did you traumatize me after all this happened to me? Why is a reputation made by uncivilized whoremongerler, rapist, child molesting scum, more important than my safety? WHY????!!!?? And to think, you wanted to be a psychologist. and you literally said "because I wanted to understand her(me)." 
Why didn't you just talk to me about what happened, then? Instead of making assumptions? I tell you what they did to me and you believe them over me?  Do you know how much grief I have gone through over that fucking letter, Heather? Did you know 70% of my problems after California were preventable if I just had someone be honest with me!! All of my family, fuck you.  And you call me a whore, and you slept with half of Springfield. Sound hypocritical anyone? I am at an average number for my age, because I really am being judge for nothing more or nothing less than anyone else is. 
But I have not been in Julia's life for a while, and honestly with all that they put me through I wished she was never born for a time period. You know so I could cut off the relationship with no qualms. Feel secure. 

I know I deal with a lot of emotions, and I am an honest person. It's the best I can be when I am being subliminally programmed, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing by the truth, so help me God.

I am thankful for Julia. I am thankful that her mother came into our lives. Maybe you were put in mind control as well. I think its a reasonable assumption, but it's true that everyone did betray me, even my own sisters!
And you sit there and tell Gabe that Julia is not his blood. That she is the other Gabriel's that you were sleeping with at the time, but she looks just like us! And you use her as a power play and manipulation tactic to get what you want at any time.


I talked to Julia about sexual abuse, correctly. 100%, and you think that I am grooming her over resentment for my brother molesting me. I am not that fucked up, Heather. Maybe you would feel that way, but I am forgiving person. Why would I tell her to talk to anyone of us about sexual abuse if it was happening? Why would I tell her to speak with you, or me, or someone she feels comfortable with.
I never held sexual abuse against my brother, like that. I dont know how I held it against him, but I was mature enough to know that what happened between us as children was because someone hurt him too. We were both molested by The government. We were both molested by our Grandma and Aunts, okay!
I saw remorse in my brother for what happened. He apologies in his own way to me.

I swear when I am stable and I find out that you sold her or hurt her in anyway, you or Gabe, or my dad, I am tearing your ass up in court.

We all know that Putin is offering a lot of money to people who are willing to sell their children into sex slavery around me. Around the world. Just to make thier actions acceptable and condoned. You watched this all happen to me.

I am at arms, okay. I cant do everything, I dont have it right now. All I can do is try to reach out to her, and give her an open line to me. You guys too.

I told you that I would take care of Julia's future. That I would make sure she had a car, and when college comes she could go wherever she wanted. I meant that. Okay. You laughed at me for it. I believe in that child. You act like I am a predator for wanting to help you. 

You fucking watched me sit there and cure cancer and HIV in one stone. You watched me talk to the FBI, CIA, The President, You watched me get Alfred the Money shoved into my vagina, and I asked you guys for a year straight to just help me get out of the situation. And all you did was sit there and belittle me, hate on me, accuse me, hurt.
You said "you need to leave him alone."
What does that mean when all of this is complied after a life of this?

It didn't matter who it was, everyone was doing it to me, practically.

Like I said, if someone would have been honest with me, 70% of my problems would have been avoided or fixed!

It's really hard to know something when you are left in the dark and everyone around is keeping the same secret, it;s like the shit that was said was so stupid at times it devoided the value of truth behind what was really going on, and everyone just laughed at it. Laughed at me. Spoke to me like I was not a human being for be persecuted by the worst people.


I warned everyone about this.

I asked people directly, indirectly- and all I got were whispers behind my back. About terrible lies. About terrible things that happens to me, and you people think getting raped with a newborn is a joke?

You think it's fun?

I firmly believe that God will destroy Earth over how corrupted people are in this day and age if something is not done about this.
It's like we as human beings are not mentally strong enough or spiritually strong enough to handle mind control by statinist. We are under possession. Everyone just about is.
I firmly believe that God will send Aliens to take over this planet if he does not get his way with our Government systems.
I see these things coming.
Anyone in detailed organizations and with extended knowledge can see that, too.
That's why the released Alien information in the past few year. Because I am here to bring Peace, and as far as I can see it, I am here to end oppression.

I am liberating the kids in the underground.
Mine, too.

So I just wanted to say, that God put extra emphasis on me not losing the Apple of my eye, and he said Do NOT CRY OVER THE CHILDREN.

I cried... enough to lose hope.

I hope I adhere to it again.  I feel like my heart has been ripped out and torn away from me. I turned away.. shutting down, shutting off, and commencing end times.

I am very sad. I am very sad.

I will go over my internal children a little bit more... right now I must sleep.

Good night.

I want to share a playlist with you about all the songs that are about me. There are more than this, but here is a starter.
If you have youtube I suggest you check it out. It's mine.

Every song that has to do with wolf in it, is because of that letter and my reputation. I happen to love nature and wolfs, werewolf.
That's a whole other story in it's self.

Every song talking about changing and love... God.. it's a message.

There is a time line and a story behind each song, one day I will sit down and write that for you.
You might be able to put it together yourself.

I love science, and freedom. I love God, I speak a lot about that.
They wrote music as their own interpretation of my life and my worlds to them.
I am okay with sexuality as we are human beings.
We are in the age of haulty woman. Just look around, everyone can see that. It's from the bible I will have to find the verse.
Some people depicts thier music through there own actions, in a sense repenting of thier sins.
Some artist literally quote me.. most of the songs have my quotes.

I now feel a vibrator in my vagina, I hate it.
It's thier way of controlling me.
If nothing else, control the population through submission to abuse.
I only submit for the Lord.

Watch that:

Heart break. 

Search Results

Im Done. 

Zika. Update.

I feel a level of Optimism I haven't felt in about a month tonight. I think I am allowed to write tonight, so for as much as it's worth I am.

They switch off my brains waves and I become stuck and almost brain dead more than not when I try to write.

Here is the deal with ZIKA:

Number one, I am dreadfully remorseful about that has taken place on the population of this world.

Number two, I was looking back at all of the blogs I have imputed and since I have started the endeavor of Zika, which is roughly less than 12hrs of work all together in a span of the last few month, I am still not done, and Ebola took me less than 72hrs all together, more like 3-5hrs consecutively. So I'm late, and indecisive at that.

Number three, Obama threatened to release another disease if I cured Zika and he has over 12 in back stock on the level of Ebola, Zika, Aids. So that is a thought to take into account while dealing with this epidemic.

Number four, everytime I sit and work on Zika I am horribly askewed from what I was participating in during that moment through Governmental Trauma. I.E. being given minor Microcephaly myself, being bashed in the head until I developed minor brain damage, having Zika patients put their infant in my vagina all through this technology, and the list goes on.

Number five, I am being threatened with them hurting my loved ones if I dont work on it, but if I do they are allowing me to be physically, mentally hurt and leading to possible death.

Number six, My Patient Care Plan is working a little because I dont want to work for people anymore, and that was one objective of my trauma is to stop my plans in actions on healing the world because MONEY is more important that Posterity to these people, like Obama and Hillary Clinton, and for that matter my inventions and endeavours become disruptive to thier income.

Number seven, I want to have control over Zika and what is happening to it so it will not be mismanaged and I need money at this point in my career so I can provide stability for me and build my future. No, money is never more important than helping people, but if I am at my lowest, I cannot be threatened with death over helping people, because what good am I for you if I am dead? Right. Like PID. Yes, this became life threatening to me, and I pushed through a lot for endless hours and days, months, and years to help people, and I realize that I have to heal me, and help me a little better. Well, a lot better.

Number eight, There are countries who what to see me succeed and countries who are trying to bring me down. Obama and Hillary want to defeat me because they never want to be caught up for all the corruption that have inflicted on the people. Like Hillary starting the first case of AIDS so she could get into the white house. Nothing like a little human sacrifice on the agenda for her. It's a daily thing. I have watched her do, I have talked to her personally about AIDS and seen her throw fits about me finding out, ect, ect. Okay, Hillary is a truly manipulative and evil person. She is the biggest hypocrite on the face of this planet as far as I have figured and needs to be brought down and come to justice, Obama too.

Number nine, Like my trauma entails I am being desensitised to emotional attachment to others. Is it working, yes... I think and I would say so. They are doing this though 24/7 conditioning and prismatic traumas that bring forth multiple reasonings and conclusions onto my personality, each leading to the next step and reaction. All things controled constructed and devised for my life at this point. Yes, I am exhausted. I keep saying this.

Number ten, I wish all of my Audio telepathy and trauma to be an example in court of what has been happening in this world for the last four years, since I have been at the center of it. I have proven Hillary as corrupt and malicious people internally time and time again that is why for some part I am still protected because I am a JUST woman and person in general. I can conclusively say that I make have good decision making skills except when I give up and feel defeated... then I turn into a raving banshee and well, at that point I tell people to not pay attention to me and heed no warning for my anger has engrossed me and I need to take a nap. Yes, naps help me a lot. During the hardest parts of my trauma, back when this was still baby learning to walk and everything about this was new and undisclosed to me, I asked a lot to be put to sleep and I literally was "sleeping all the demons away."
Here is a song that backs what I am saying up, because Like I have been saying all of this music has been written for me and this is one of my most favorite tunes: (it's beautiful)
Ella Henderson: Ghost.

Number eleven, I am under stress the eye does not meet. I have and God talks about this in the Bible "to not loose the Apple of my eye." It's around the verse that says all the music is my music because the Devil cant have it, and I get one of God's favorite things because yes, I think I may be here as the second coming and here to end oppression with all my witty inventions, be the leader of the seven nations, Bride of Christ, contain the secret truth, yield the sword of David, Be the tree of life, and have all these amazingly wonderful titles that God himself has bestowed on me. Yes, when I say that the Bible was written about me, I mean it's down to my birthday, my looks, my personality, the mayan mandala, religious relics, our profits, the music, me "playing the harlot," people that I know being in the Bible... ect... you name it, I account for it. I will talk about this in my life and I will make you sit in your seats, and I will rise up and save humanity. because I literally bring proof of God and you should know that I can walk on water and stuff that is super cool, and I have the key to the universe and I want to restore the kingdom of God on Earth, I am here to bring you a New Heaven and a New Earth, and just remember that THEY are the one who Pervert me, and I will not be judged for my confoundment, and I am the direct lineage of King David, and Pocahantas, and I just found out two nights ago that I am also related to Constantine the Great! My family evaded religious persecution by Hitler, I say dont follow Hitler,  Isis follows him... I say dont do that, and then evil rears it's ugly little head and does the complete opposite. Obviously, they must be scared, as the Bible says about my footsteps that the demons coward... I will pluck the verses out for you and give them to you, but just know I bind His word on my heart, and for as long as I have known life, I swear to you I have found the comfort and love in God. 
I love him dearly and forever. 
I want you to know that is not a joke to me, I am very serious when I say that about Him. I love Him. I love God, I love Jesus, I love our Angels, I love Heaven. I mean this. If you do not know one thing about me, know I love and respect our Father in Heaven. Very much, and I think with all my heart even though I mess up, and sometimes I can be a little rebellious. I have a lot to share about the lessons I have learned in life, and my hopes from the beginning were to teach and help people learn a better way (before that was exposed to me in revelations and the Bible) (Yes, we have all agreed that Revelations have started). So you dont have to go through that I have been through, because I still think that its just horrible. 
But really, I work for the Lord only. 
That is why I take command easily and I dont put up with crap, because you are not God, and well,... I'll tell you the rest later. 
No, I am not perfect, I was meant to be perfected. But lately I feel as if I have been stunted by how much evil I have seen and heard and endured.  I too, feel as if my heart has been hardened. 

God Bless... 

Number twelve, Because some want me to do better, and some want me to be worse, I feel with Zika that I am damned if I do, and damned if I dont. 

Number thirteen, If I do not take care of this epidemic sooner than later because I do not know if allowing another one to start on our people is a good idea- I always have in the back of my mind about the viruses "what if I can't cure the next one?"  I would like to let you know that later in life, I hope to also finish my development of curing microcephaly in laten stages. I also, along the same path, because for me one thing does not always mean one thing, I wanted to grow new limbs for people who need them, and heal bodies completely. I mean completely. I can do these things. So please, be patient in persecution. I want our people healthy- yeah I know a lot about substance viral rebounds and germs. I will do it correctly. All those wonderful gives and takes. 
This technology and its handler are a main cause for most of our illnesses.  
All in due timing. 

I have a lot to think about. 

I am also going to end war. With my witty inventions. 
God willing, always and forever. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Well, now you know I have a face of an angel.

"Fine, dont listen. Watch what happens." 

After all of this, I was just informed that Kim has to be more "pretty" than me, and then he added on "for income."

I told him, "I made more money than Kim in my first two years, than she did in her entire career."
He said "not internally."

I said "you can make Kim more beautiful, but just leave me alone."

Then I informed him that I will just sit back and watch the world end.
Because like I say. You need me, I suggest you learn to listen.

He laughed, and I added, I am watching!

Meaning that this is my life time. I am from the Bible.

Rat Bastard. Yes, I have a pirate mouth.

I tell him, in a tone that surely tells them you mind as well just stop:
 "Kim will never be more beautiful than me."

He went into how my vagina compared to her... He said "you're good looking for a Habibi."
Then he pointed to his arm indicating color and background, but we both know it means a prostitute. Of course I have to be the Illuminati Muse for the past four years, and dealing with psychopaths who what, try, and fail to rape me into submission.
I am a scientist of the highest Degree. I am protected by God, I am loved and very respected. Regardless of what the Government has done to me. I am strong and determined. They are literally just evil, like fucking Bashar Al-Assad who rapes and kills little kids and castrates them for voicing an opinion.
This is a fucking conspiracy! Okay!
And I believe Muhammad when he says that everyone involved in the conspiracy is from Shaitan. I am from the profit's line.
You people conspire against me! You have no value in the hereafter, or on Earth.

I told him "I am not making money off my vagina, I should not even be in this listing!"  (like Kim does)
If I am not here to make profit off my vagina, and her Johns or Tricks cannot buy me, then who the fucks care if she is jelious.

There is no competition here.

I typically dont compete with anyone.
And if I do it's for fun.
Because I pretty much always win.
I am a secure individual.
I dont like jealousy.

My God!

I was informed today that it is possible that an Alien (extraterrestrial) may have taken one of my ovums as well!
I asked Christopher when he "looked" for it, I asked if it was a violent abduction or kinder.
He said "violent."

I showed him a mental relation to feeling and intent, like how Obama abducted my eggs and how fucking evil he was while he did it!

Maybe they are saving it for me, maybe my egg will become a slave, maybe they are making a new line to save the earth as a plan b on the sudden disrupt that I pass...

Now I am running around thinking about universal terror just not what is on our home line.

I need to liberate the children. I think I will one day.

Free the people of the underground.

After all, I have extraterrestrial intelligence. I understand things like God gave them to me. Then it came down to my modern day family in my mind. I briefly talk about Isabella on Youtube and how she will join my family, although she has been terminated by the Rothschild's by now.

Now I will have an Alien Baby, too.

I dont know if I will save him/her.
I dont know if they are real.
I dont know why an alien took my egg, except for the obvious.

You know, because of all the things around me and the attraction I have brought to my area. Maybe it's because I am so smart. Maybe it's because I am beautiful.

I dont know.

I am really tired of Body Modifications. I hate them. I get them daily.

VLOG About ISABELLA, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, ETC.:

Over 18, talking about sex abuse.

So, I just found out why there is so much inclination over my sexual conduct in regards to free will. After all I am being controlled by the worst people in the world.

I was told that by the time I am 40 it is meant for my vagina to be weak.
This is written on my patient care plan and that is the objective for my vagina.

I hate being controlled, I hate being raped.

I want to talk to you about my childhood sexual abuse. What the NWO did to me and what they are continuing to do to me.

As a child I was sold into sexual slavery by my grandmother.

I was placed into mind control and was used to masterbate as be a part of project control. It gets worse for me. I was bombarded with mental imagery of rapes and forced to masterbates to them, I was bombarded with mental imagery of gang bangs as a child and they used me to masterbate to them. I have even had them place my hands in parts of my body and explore a little too deeply. I was given forced orgasims all under the age of ten.
I was watched through this technology and programmed with perversion as to my patient care plan I could have become a great leader, or a serial killer.
I was three when my first rape was set up. My aunt did this to me and my brother, and I was placed on a no treatment list for STD's as early as seven.
I just found out that someone told me I had chlamydia at the age of twelve. By the time I was fifteen and got into a roll over car wreck I was on a no disclosure list and the hospital wouldn't even tell me if I had a concussion or not. One of life's little miracles I thought for a long time.

Now if I want to make my vagina feel youthful and healthy I am bombarded with perversion as a preventive measure so they can say I am the perverted one.

They are doing this because I have been told "good pussy rules the world."
I am not allowed to have my womanhood except in the hands of my traumatizers.

It frustrates me that this is my reality and this is what people deal with.

I have had so many traumas and patient care plans it hard to keep track. I was one of the more traumatized children in my age group for America.

So now after four years of dealing with daily 24/7 trauma, electronic rape, scurrilization, manipulation and everything evil in the world.

I give up.

I am going to live my life for me.

One day I will sit down and tell everything. All the little stories and a whole collection of my life. All the reasoning, everything that I can remember.

before I was out of high school, as many young girls do, especially when you have gone through as much sexual abuse as I have, I masterbated.
I remember telling a boyfriend I have of mine that after I finish I feel thumping on my privates. A pat here, a pat there. I described it to him as a car engine cooling down when you can feel the heat and the tick, tick,tick of it settling.

 He looked at me strange and I just kinda brushed it off.  I didn't know it wasn't natural. Just like most of the trauma people endure through this technology, you just think it's organic.

So, because I kept myself for a few years up to a while ago, while I was in the heaviest part of my trauma, I ended up having sex and I was shocked at the condition of my vagina. I mean this rape and these electronic rapes and sent my vagina back to how it was after california.
I didnt realize.

The only thing that seemed to help my vagina after california, because they wouldn't treat me, was masterbation.

After what they did to me, and a mixture of lonesomeness, I masterbated frequently.
I regained my vaginal strength, my tissue seemed healthier, oxygen levels were back up, it was like douching and clearing my vagina at the same time. I felt my my vaginal flora returned healthy, my PH levels were stable and in a normal rage with the secretion of my vaginal fluid, plus I like to do it.
All in all it helped me.

So, I masterbated today. Okay. I am going to be honest.
People say that this is unholy, ungodly, whatever.

But I am 27, and I do feel that I need to for all the above reasons.
I also think it's a great alternative to having sex with men, and bringing them closer to what is surrounding me.
I honestly wanted to wait until marriage to have sex anyways, but I messed up with Irvin and we lost a child. I fell in love with him, you know. Deeply in love with someone that hurt me worse that before. I didn't see it. I still didn't know because I wasn't that way.

But anyways, They are tapping my vagina again. I am being bombarded with sexual abuse imagery. And all I am asking for is peace of mind and my health. My freedom would be nice.

Kim Kardashian just said a little while ago "I used to do that to you back then... I remember talking about how much money you could have made off of this." With the image of me in my bedroom being a young teen girl.. She is referring to tapping my vagina.

Most of the time when they traumatize me I just clear my head, wait for it to stop and refocus on what I was doing. Wheather that activity be sports, reading, or even masterbation. I guess I have reached maturity in that scene. Mentally.
Mind over matter.

I am at the point that I know I am not liable for the people's actions around me and my traumatizes blaming me for how fucked up their lives are. Like me masterbating is forcing you to rape a child?
Yeah, well you'd do it regardless of me. Have before me, and will after you learn to separate from me if you're not put in jail for all the shit you do.

So I pretty much hate people for invading my life like this.

And I am going to continue, even through my trauma, work on healing me. Even if that mean masterbation.

The question is:
Is it ungodly?
Eve ate the apple, we live in the era of the haughty woman, it's my body my right, God loves me regardless, I think it's physically healthy, it's not for you to judge, and I am allowed to do what I want in my personal time.
I am allowed to know myself. I am human. Should I be completely celebant. No. I can't anyways with how much abuse I am put through in the sense of reason. I see a lot, I witness a lot, I know a lot, I hear a lot, and it's a choice or a forced action in my life. I have choices and I am being forced to be around evil people constantly. I guess, I choose freedom. I choose my own control, and forget the rest. I know my motivations, my reasons, my actions, and why they hold against me and throw at me does not dictate me as an adult or individual. It it their abuse that speaks for them, and I am not a willing part of their abuse.
I can be both. I have know myself well enough to block out the hate and be who I am. A free woman or sovereignty and love. I am grown now. You know.

I am being forced to disclose every aspect of my life. As speaking about this is a little embarrassing and still in a shroud of privacy for me, I am an honest person. This is a real life occurrence, I am a real person. I am HUMAN.  I am still learning and growing.

I have to tell you I have been under a lot of abuse, and for the most part I have learned to not let things affect me adversely. I am not in control of other's actions and nor do I wish to be. Needless to say becoming a serial killer is out of the question for me. I want to end wars without murder, and I desire health for people and myself.

I want my body back. okay.

Everyone around me knows what is happening to me, and this whole situation is so hypocritical it's absurd. It whine itself down into complete redundancy, and I am going to give it no power over me anymore.

Am I scared that people will think I am perverted for seeing their imagery while anything sexual occurred. Sure, why not? But I am not them, and these are not my thoughts, reasons, placements, occurence, images- and I am incredibly strong willed. They have now power over my actions, and as I can separate from them after all of this, you can see that separation and move on.
Am I perverted? Organically, no. But I am being perverted in every way shape and form it seems like.

If I wasn't traumatized would I be the same?
Absolutely not.  I'd be normal.

If I was taken out of my trauma would I be fine?
Again, dont have Beyonce quote me again or anything, but...

"I woke up like this!"

Everything that is wrong about me is %100 trauma from my abusers.
I'd be practically perfect without them.

I am going to tell you I think I have handled this very well though it all. I think I have made the correct decisions and followed through with actions. I have tried up till I had a major break in the last few months/(year) to be the best person I could. I am human, I break down sometimes. Anyone would through all of this.

Yes, I get angry. Yes, I rage even. Yes, I throw fits, and yes, I throw objects. But I have to cope with this somehow.
I am not raping people, never have. I am not a murderer, maybe in my heart?
I am not deplored because sex tells me I am shameful. I am not less of a person for what they make me seem like.
I am NOT my trauma.

I would love to see me free and out of abuse.

I would love to see targeted individuals free.

I would love to see corruption to come to an end.

I would love for a new way of living.

I would love for a civil rights movement to start for slavery.
Being a targeted individual is a form of slavery.
Being a woman of sexual oppression is a form of slavery as well.
Taking this stupid money over our people, or children, and land is a huge form of control and a new age of slavery for our people.

I would love for our voices to rise.
I would love for understanding to happen.
I would love for mind control to come out in whole, and the world know how bad it is so we can choose a different way of living. So we are educated about the situations, so slavery meets a last grain.
For freedom to prevail.

I am sure I will know my peace when I am finished.

I keep saying this.

I was molested my the United States Government, what do you want for me? A new world?

God bless.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Privacy is Dead.

So, I think I am just going to go and apply for ssi and take it easy for the rest of my life. I dont want anything from anyone except to be left alone. I said all I could, everyone knows what is happening to me. My body is tired. My mind is exhausted. I cant do this anymore.

I really do try to follow God.

I know I have made some mistakes in my life, but the point being that I repent, and I try so hard to listen to Him and be a good person and love Him with all my heart, but let's be honest- all of this needs to come to an end.

All my trauma, all my hard work, everything. I would have always chosen a normal life and peaceful. I didnt ask for this, I didn't want to be around famous people all day and listen to how horrible of human beings they are. I didn't want to talk to Beyonce, or Kim and Kanye, I didn't want to have associations with Eminem and Dr. Dre. I didn't.  I definitely didn't want to talk to Beyonce, because she is so superficial and not well rounded, she's a baby rapist, I dont love her music- I never have. She wasn't an idol of mine. I think she is kinda ugly inside and out. She's annoying to speak with. She isnt a real person. She isnt deep enough for me. I like thinkers, she's not there for me.

I wanted to he happy, find love, get married, have a few kids, and love something. I wanted to restart my heritage/lineage without abuse.

That was my goal.
I wanted to write my little book about what I went through in California and find peace, and heal.

Then I was thrown into all of this without my permission. I found out everything I pretty much could have wanted to know about myself and my past.
I did really phenomenal work for people. I found my intelligence and what I was meant to do in this life.
I realized a LOT.

But, I hate this.

I cannot stand what has happened to me and everything that I have witnessed. I feel at arms to help, I cant anymore. I want out.

I dont want to help people anymore.

I dont want to be an evil person, but I dont want to be surrounded by others.

I really need to be left alone.

I dont want to have sex for money.

I dont want to have kids anymore, some days.

I dont like people anymore.

I dont like mind control. I never have.

I dont like people who are only after money and only find their value in income.
I dont like the rich.

I dont like the ghetto or the poor either.

I dont like black people, I dont like diseased, I dont like white people, I dont like people that smell bad, I dont like necrophiles, I dont like baby rapists, I dont like children either. I dont like my mother, I dont like my sister, I dont like my brother, I dont like father, my grandmother, my aunts, my cousins. No one. I love no one after all of this.

I dont like my vagina.

I dont like penis.

I dont like the governments.

I dont like people.

I dont like control freaks.

I dont like people telling what to do.

I dont like my body.

I dont like anyone.


no one.

I dont like people I knew.

I dont like the people who took the money.

I dont want to work for the children in the underground, and feel that they are dammed and I dont care anymore.
It's their fate, I quit.
I do care about them a little bit.

I dont like being forced to be an internal president.

I hate Obama.

I dont like this technology.

I dont like that no one listens.

I dont like people. Period.

I dont like prostitutes.

I dont like pimps.

I dont like pedophiles.

I dont like being watched.

I dont like intercourse with children.

I dont like Isis.

I dont like the Clintons.

I dont like the CIA.

I dont like the FBI.

I dont like animals anymore.

I dont like churches anymore.

I find birds annoying now.

I dont like my sense of humor.

I dont like people.

I dont like our agricultural system.

I dont like our medical system.

I dont like doctors.
I dont like hospitals.
I have lost respect for these organizations.

I dont like the industry.

I dont like money.

I dont like helping people.

I dont like satan.

I dont like Obama.

I dont like our government.

I dont like the royals.
I dont even like their kids.

I dont like anyone.

I dont like Putin.
I dont like Russia.

I dont like Balshar Al-Asad.

I dont like any Kardashian.

I dont like music.

I dont like models.

I dont like victoria secret models especially.

I dont like China.

I dont like V2k.

I dont like mind control.

I dont like the middle east.

I dont like grass.


I am done.

You took a very kind person and ruined me.

I hope this world dies.

I have lost my apple..

Monday, July 25, 2016

Dear God,

:The One Who Knows Me Best

I miss you. I miss talking to you. I miss your love. I miss everything about you. I miss my peace of mind and my life. I miss being carefree and loving.

I have come to terms today that I have a hard time fighting off illness. I cant breath anymore.

I love you soooo much. Please, whatever you choose for this land let your will be done.
I miss how close I was with you.
I miss being in meditation and walking with you. I miss you. My heart hurts so much. I cant convey the pain I am in, and it seems that I cant make them sit in their seats.

I have a hard time writing on here. I can tell everyone what i am doing for them, and they turn away from me. The situations that occur have been too drastic and I dont know what to do anymore.

Where is Jesus?

Why are humans not listening to me?

My is money more important than freedom?
Why the vices of men?


I really want a new Earth, I always will. I want peace and happiness for our People. I miss you.
I feel the amount of mind control I have been under is too much for me to bear.
You said I will not be judged for my confoundment. I have it been dealing with it a lot lately.

They told me once "Write it down and it will come to past."
I did, and what I wrote became reality.

What about the Middle East? Why is this happening to them? Why so much war and violence? Where is our peace?

What about Asia and China? Why are our leaders cruel and pedophiles. Why are we ruled over by evil?

Why didnt you know that humans could be evil? Why didnt you stop Eve?

Is there a platen out there like the garden of eden? Pure still.

Why am I raped so much?
Why do people think it's okay to partake is serious sexual abuse?

Why are things getting worse?

Why didnt I get income from the Church, and put on a podium like I asked from the Catholics?

Why does Hillary Clinton have more control over my body than I do?

Why is that every heath step I take, It's turned around on me?
Why am I being infected with diseases and cancers?

Why am I dying?

My am I raped 24/7?

Why am I alone?

Why is my family like this?

Why dont you take me home, then?

Why do people choose evil over me?

Why isnt the president in prison?


I quit.

I give up..

So because there are two women who could be from the Bible.. please choose the other one.

Or not because Putin paid her a large sum of money to have sex with him, and then she molested his daughter Sarah that he has with that ball dancer. With her fingers.

Then the Queen put Putin in mind control after he said she was not a human being and he ended up fisting her. Yes, infant Sarah. He broke her hip, and spent months fighting for her life while he repeatedly raped her until her little body gave out and she passed.
Or vice Versa, Sarah could have been hurt before she went there, I forget. I deal with a lot.

I dont know how she died. I stopped talking to Putin before that. He recently told me that she passed one day when I asked how she was.

So, when this was exposed about 'Israel' Obama immediately told her through this technology "deny all child abuse accusations."

And she sit there and sells her ovums for money, and she insults me. And she thinks all the music that was made for me was made for her. I did a lot of work for this reputation. I didnt sit down and have a golden spoon in my mouth, I worked. Worked harder than anyone else I know.
Also, she let her boyfriend, or husband, or whatever urinate in her vagina and take a pee on her for income. So..

So... I am just tell you I quit being "God."  Or the "bride Of christ" Or the "Prophetess", Or the "offspring of David"

You people just dont listen.

I am abandoning people because America has made me this angry. They choose to molest children for income and whatever else they do... but I am done helping people. I am being taken for granted and no one loves me, so I quit giving you a new Heaven and Earth.

I have that right. I talked to God, he said no matter what I choose I will always make it into the gates of Heaven. You know I contain the secret truths, I am the key to the universe, Jesus married me, I am the tree of life, my life is directly form the bible, I am the leader of the seven nations, I am reestablishing God's kingdom on Earth, I am here to wipe out oppression for God's people, and everyone just keeps betraying me. All the music is my music.
I did this with my witty inventions, I got into these problems because of my great intelligence. I'm GRACE!!!! HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

I have been saying this for a while, but I hate people anymore.
