Friday, May 19, 2017

 There's a lot of words that I wish that I knew in order to express and so I said I'm going to buy I have an advance dictionary but really it's not that advanced so I'm going to buy a theological dictionary in advance dictionary and learn all these words that I need to know to write as well because the complexity of this is just above my skill set right now in language to convey to you and it's quite unfortunate but I really do But it's dinner my mind is under control and you know it's quite hard to go around stuff when you've been a product of this year entire life

Holus Bolus

So everybody all at once!  So the amount of contempt that I have for what is happening in the world is extremely high. When all this started out I wasn't much more looking at the expectancy is another person as much as I was looking at the abilities of myself and in re-examination this may have been a confirmation of my strength and I may have  I do diligence of a quickening of my understanding. So walking out of what has made me naïve and oblivious almost to oblivious consciously to the reality of how people in satanic orchestrations conduct their self ...  I wouldn't say that I was oblivious because I understood the amount of abuse that they did and I understood what happens to some of the people in in cable tray that would victimized by them but it wasn't something that resonated with me as much as it was something that stood in front of me I asked a lot of questions during the times that I started to gravitate to then understanding of the world's present state of exemption of God.  Tonight I was reading about excuses and I do realize that it isn't a need for me to start writing every single day or are they speaking these things on my telephone when I say hole is bliss I mean that there is a great deal of repetition in minimal conceptual working it is keeping  it is trying and it's might to keep up pay the profound expression that I am embarking on and focus on things that are idiotic another Hollidge hill Dality of nature instead of the freedom of expression and the freedom in love.  There's a lot that I can write about about my past about what is happened to me about the current situation I think that it is necessary for the truth in my eyes to be expressed before the great cover up of today happens tomorrow. We live in a very inconclusive time and very  and complex almost alienation of our own being. The wisdom that we are relying on is based on information  deeply under nourished and often times leaves out basic complexities of a human being.  I can tell you as a child I have a lot to say for my inner self and the experiences that I have had I can tell you that I disagree with the amount of torture that I have dealt with I disagree with my abusers I disagree with my accusers and I disagree with how things are turning out.  The amount of manipulation that I am facing is a very simple process it has a name that is not coming towards me but it is basically to confuse people of present-day to manipulate the future .  There's an expression that comes to mind when I think about how undermine that people are there's a higher self and then there's people that resonate on a very very spiritually immature And in an irate manner.
 So I just want to put outside of the queen is really making me angry the queen of England that is. So obviously I'm under obscene constraints from the people around me who believe that a power struggle is to control the entire world population through the meaning them and forcing them into savage sexual slavery and murdering them until their souls are departed  until their moral compass and so it's a party from their self and in capable of the guidance that we were born with and this is her developing an entire new generation of human beings that are demented and morally corrupt it to the point that we don't have an understanding besides the word income arm that are lessening our abilities to think and a critical thinking and our ability  and our abilities to thrive and every single thing that comes with this I am so done with this it's not even funny like I've been over it for likes a year now and like people don't understand why I'm over this but I've been over this like I'm just like completely just over the fact over this I'm just over this I'm over how I'm treated I'm over how people are I'm over how people try to interfere with my well-being and over murder I'm over prostitution  i'm over over over over listening to these people and hearing their needs and hearing what the fuck they have to say you'll get nothing  so you place the cleaners like it's wrong for the bride of Christ to you to cuss well got us I have a higher math and I am venting and I am being judge for nothing more nothing less than anybody else's so it's really not that wrong and laura does love it the one that is correct with and for me to cuss and the time that I'm slain  doesn't seem inappropriate because for all you have known you have turned off my ability to use high and vocabulary which is definitely needed to fight you so I just use that you know I bitches him and fuck you in Compton scene of how angry I am for you you know to tell you that like your dog and you're not welcome in the kingdom of God because you're a whore monger and you're just not welcome here and like you're not welcome in the kingdom of God because you're say the nest and I am  and you can't judge me for it because of course you're the one who has made me disgusting and you're part of them and they are the reason then they are the problem and it is them I'm really really can't really judge me for this because your fixation is absurd and you're being obnoxious and it's too repetitive to be truthful because the mouse the highest form of mind control is repetition until it is ingrained with you  so I'm just over following anything that is their their ordinance and their understanding of me and I'm pretty content as a human being and as a person that I am and I'm pretty secure in my actions and my motives here and I don't think you're going to sway because I think this is one of the most corrupt or times that the world has ever face and I just don't agree with how corrupt everybody's been  and I also don't appreciate your input on every single thing that I I mean I can't move a muscle without input guys this is a little overbearing this is obnoxious this is redundancy this is ridiculous this is wrong everything that you're doing is wrong it's incorrect you're in accurate your petty you're in moral your untruthful you're mean you're the problem because no one person walking a single  and trying to just make a normal life herself and not wanting to be right since mission I'm sorry that you guys couldn't like programming correctly to listen to you but I really just don't agree with you so I really feel like you've done so much to me to for me to just like agree with you anymore like you do you tip the Canover and it's float out and then now like there will be no harnessing of your words to me like you and less you're god you're really really don't have I really can't respect feel like I don't I really don't respect you  I fully don't respect you because you've done too much to me yet you just use you've involved yourself in something that should've never been high into the grieve that you feel like like this is acceptable for humanity to behave in a notion that they don't quite understand fully just to cut off our fortune and that's what you're doing if you're turning the gold to them just to go  just to cut off our blessings and then your copy writing words and descriptions that God has a different meaning of it's kind of like when you say one thing but it has like multiple different meaning than you've pick up the objective that's going to best work for you but then you use the cover up that's going to best describe what people want to hear because you're just being blasphemous and lying to us and very manipulative like the manipulation factor here I just can't get down with the dog pound guys I just can't do it I just cannot do it my mind this is not want me to be with  with you my mind is does not find pleasure in listening to you on my mind just in my heart does not find this attractive like you're just not attractive to me like so we're just over it you know you've lost all your like everything that glitters is in gold is very true but you've lost all your appeal to me like this is just unappealing it's not worth it  I mean the fact that you just turn off my vocabulary and my ability to think in large quantities of expression is pretty fucking rude I mean controlling one's mine is just wrong to the point that you know people should have free will and you're not very much allowing for he will hear at all against on me like  and I know for a fact that God is real and I stand with him because I don't believe that God like invented us to be the penis and what is happened is very Heynis it is one of the most her Renda's and Hanus things that you don't humanity other if it is that I'm not going along with it and if I want to express myself saying bad words guess what I'm going to have fucking Tourette's for a sec it all right and I really don't care because that's.

 So everything is a combative reality right now I want to say everything all inclusive but I would say most things so you are causing me pain is this going to cause you more suffering and that's just all there is to it so oh well.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Life after death.
So I'm pretty sure that everybody in America has been killed at least and maybe possibly the entire world so I don't know what universe we are living in our uniplexi. So I'm trying  I knew life and and I want you and is a perfuse marijuana smoker is that I was sleeping I asked my mom walks over and blow smoke in there and Jackie and then when I finally bank up she's like I didn't do that you're lying and then I was like I woke up and covered my face out of my head and then I was like this is the 70,000 of a career that I'm trying to get in  Jeans like we'll just do something with you somethung else.

really tired of this I'm a fact that everybody disagrees the corruption and got money but we didn't get paid enough in my teens hang out with us I mean the fact that he may take time and the soldering people and doing a scene ridiculousness that humanity he and I will be like protection of like a literal for anything fun we have when we go 40 people that you're protecting

 Really tired of this I'm a fact that everybody disagrees the corruption and got money but we didn't get paid enough in my teens hang out with us I mean the fact that he may take time and the soldering people and doing a scene ridiculousness that humanity he and I will be like protection of like a literal for anything fun we have when we go 40 people that you're protecting
 TG  so my ex-employee or is the reason why everybody got murdered be fine and you know they murdered me then you know then I'll pay for the bouncer paid out and the awful time I always get anybody to hang out area would be bills would be paid a millionaire by now and some people only got like you know if she's having dollar $1500 and because I 35 zeros and they said weather for you


 So I'm really not happy with how the world coming to an end and basically everybody with a stupid enough to just go about this because I don't either we feel the loss control or where we were on board with it when everything at S is in gold but we are promised you know great resilience in the financial gain and it's really not all that it's cracked up to be. So now we're just sitting here and allowing our entire unit  entire population to be destroyed and the minute that they kill us and whether you're walking on digital are you been reincarnated like I have been I've been digital or whatever is happening to you like it allows them to be able to control you completely through the system and that's what we're being paid for is to be controlled and I really am tired of this.
So my life employer they basically had all these little kids that were similar to the experiences that I had growing up I like they were sold under wealth like one of those on the road now about you you know her mom one you know with the old under my control somewhere that you know products out of my control sexual child abuse but you know none of them went through what I went through but the Eminem decided to opt in and try to make one of them the bride of Christ.  And the photo fucking huffy over here try it with little prostitute I'll be here basically was like well in order to control it with UH and you have to be the Monic and overall the demonic with an acting within their behavior so she killed half of the nation the first time and then sex in time which would like a couple days ago she killed all of the nation so I'm pretty sure like you know there's been times where I haven't been walking earth were like two weeks and then Riley got out and they change the entire time because .  Because it's me and I'll sunsets pair a flake 930 10 o'clock and it's still spring time it's kind of early spring time and that doesn't happen in early spring time that happens in the summer or the funds days later about later so really I don't know what month it is I'm not quite sure nobody really does except a few people .  So the queen of England hired you know all these little kids that were went through like from their experiences to me and then like basically you know some of them were pedophiles that Kim children like me some of them were you know kids like me basically hire them to control situation because everybody to do much to me feel like I really can't have control over me so they hire these people because they had similar backgrounds in life stories with me and granted them in on extra money.   But like they're really getting paid a normal wage OK so I work there for what I don't know a month or something and one made like $100,000 I'm like well you could've been made that with the fall of dedication you know like it doesn't seem like killing your offspring in torturing yourself and killing the entire world was worth $100,000 for you but the thousand dollars for you do you need thousand dollars for you doesn't seem as if the thing for where you know I mean yeah you really could've just gone to college that meaN.  So they just told me that that woman feel stupid for that after you know the whole argument with my mom but you know I was $70,000 starting career in a couple months I mean starting pay in a $70,000 career starting pay in a couple months pretty much in like my first year and you know I'll be making over 100 grand touring bike soon at this job and then I will go back to college and I'll be going to great with assessed and over all this because there's two ideas either you join it and you overall it was inside or you do  or you do better and you know my idea of just you know be a better vendors like I really feel like this is really sick now as effective like being switched the fact that this entire like areas that a man was basically everybody was switched it to somebody else because they try to prove that you are also other people which you know spiritually you're still the same person and less you completely in a pastor or you've just been through too much in her two week to like go through it you know week to Caryonah.
 So the fact that like everybody just like goes along with these type of things is really anus and the fact that I'm dry like people are trying to kill me is absurd because I am the original brought a grazed I am the race and I was proven to be the bride of Christ I am grace from the Bible and the daughter to God's people I am this woman I am.  So the kid is if is trying to current control number one my vagina and number to my relationships number three my voice and number for you know basically to make me jealous that I basically because stricken with them via an act out so I third joining this evil and becoming of the world and in acting like this evil and doing that evil but I really just believe that I can override this one day because it ever has the biggest and wins and you know I'm one of the greatest vendors ever walked the face of the planet in my opinion and I don't think that that's ever going to change as long as I'm able minded and able bodied then I'm cool you know I'm not a very you know I am very secure and confident person but I don't like you know my trophies being stepped on and I don't like people to humans mine away for me I also don't like being told what to do like especially by people that are up to no good that don't care about anybody's well-being I mean literally obviously you see what's happening and everybody  to dramatize to snap out of it or reliving in this like very dark beer that we don't understand but we're like fascinated by the enlightenment profits of the illuminati acceptance which is completely false and we're following to me false idols and these things are just that's just the reality that we live in but nobody cares about what is unseen instead of what is here you care about more of the money I like but I don't understand that because you're not making a mass like fortunes like you're not OK guys like as it stands I'm worth   As it stands I'm worth $190 trillion a year just rough estimation from like the simple things that I can do and I'm not even talking about the expensive things like everybody was making $190 trillion a month from then I can kind of understand why you believe it will bring peace but it won't be of 120 $990 trillion a month for each person with literally you don't work out to be like 100,000 and then you know everything will go up in a later might be crazy and I just how money works you know like you've.  And I quite honestly should never have been killed in California my entire life basically internally when I was like 10 9878 years old and became one of you original first kids to be a Centrillion nerves and trillionaire no decillion or decillion air internally which means that I was really rich internally like it's really hard to become of this in the ceiling area in the 90s internally and  I did it because I do you know spoke up for myself like and I was always accurate as a kid like I always just understood but I'll behaviors I understand the world around me under saddle happening when I wasn't traumatized to be retarded and that's why they me retarded externally I was highly intelligent not just you know I was super intelligent it was a super intelligent human being and they are the illuminati and then WO has tried everything in their power to prevent me from prevailing over the shit. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

My birthday is in two days! I'll be 28! I am kinda sad. I am going to the opera, and (some of) my kids get to watch too with me! I am excited, and sad. I think I have over 1000 in captivity right now going through this. Possibly worse than what I have been through.

The long road to freedom.

I am not sue were this is going, but to the best of my abilities I am still trying to fight for freedom from what has oppressed me.

My life is in tangles with some of the worst humans in this world. They have been the stark evil that has haunted me from the time of conception. Going out of their way to control every filament of life that I have cherished as a freedom, and later to come to acknowledgement of as a false sense of reality. For the majority of my life I was held captive to their offenses against my will, and it was an
unbeknownst realism to me. Its something that was so hidden to my judgment that it affected every action I chose. My mind for the longest was calculating the memories of the abuse I endured, but my person did not see this. I was the child they took to go bump in the night with, and I was the woman they have never let go of. I am exhausted with this all. Trying to escape the grasp of  evil is a tiresome task. I want to be whole again, and I want the dignity I deserve.

Pictures of me under intoxicant keep showing up on my Instagram and facebook. People were sending me hard evidence now. I would listen to children being tortured, I would hear a child who was myself. I would watch as this child was changed and put through rigorous mental and physical torture in mind control experimentation. I was harassed, raped, torn apart, dosed with antrax, all in the name of money and scientific development. I was took from my bed, driven to my abusers homes or hotels, forced to serve and lay unconscious. I was infected with Hiv, and lost my body afterward. I was a new physical body over 400 times by the time I was 21. Now It's near 600. At the age of two I was ripped from limb to limb by a man's two fists in my vagina, sometimes 5 times a month.  I was sold to billionaires, trillionaires, and street scum. There has been nothing they wouldn't do to me for money. I was took and placed in pedohiles homes that were the middle class, I was bathed in my blood and sacrificed in satanic rituals with the rich. Presidens, Queens, Diplomats, musicians, Pedophiles. I was one of the hardest pimped children walking the American continate. My ovums were sold, and my offspring's fathers were our world leaders. I have been Hispanic, black, Russian, Arabic, and I was all still me. I cant speak sometimes, I cant even breath oxygen if they didn't allow me to.  By the age of two I had 600+ people rape me in person. I was sold and prostituted to over 200 million people in my life, and the numbers are still rising.

This is my life.

I think you understand my I hate this.
I am capitable of building a new Earth.
That's why I fight this, because I hate this.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

 Like you really need to study the Bible you really need to study the Caraun you really need to study the traditions of Buddhist understandings the metaphysic whole teachings that they had left behind or demonstrated to the technology that we are facing in our present-day if you look at Jeremiah when he speaks to you about this watering pot in the holes in the faces and not to be scared of them when he speaks to you about the translations of our telepathic networks and when he speaks to you and his primitive time or being which is not primitive because you know they were still smart of us but they didn't have acknowledge  they didn't have the acknowledgment or the collectedness to access the quite large demonstration of technological advances that we deal with generations upon generations will keep on doing greater and larger technological Vances in the first generations and this is how we will develop but you have to understand that we are governed by God and ultimately we don't really have control over what is happening we have free will because it gives you your choice and he gives you the except  gives you the acceptance of love and he gives you these things we are losing our ability to feel love for one another this is a bad thing even I am under these constraints where I am losing my ability to feel the love and desire that I used to more deeply than what I have been  luckily for me the love that I have for our heavenly father is so great that I don't think that I will ever ever ever change in me because I really do desire to spend my life in my intern Indy with him in heaven and Mike this is something that will always be a motivation for me and I will always be something that I will care about I really hate people trying to change the story of my own person I really hate these things and going back into the metaphysical Bible like when you speak of the translate leaving when he speaks of the  when John or Jesus speaks of the translation of you must pay attention to the spirit of being in this because we live in a hole and I have in the spiritual body we actually possess a very powerful force of nature within ourselves that is gravitational within the bounds of physics here like we have a spirit guys and it is real and it lasts pretty fucking pretty much until you know we were here for the beginning of time today and what time we were spoken before before and after like you really have to make choices  I mean it's pretty simple guy left the 10 commandments Moses gave us the 10 Commandments those aren't too hard to fucking abide by you see the Bible go from this period of time to this. Time is the Mohammed and you see Buddha see Mohammed's prophecies he's obviously Acura he was obviously a profit he obviously spoke from God he obviously had knowledge of God he obviously interpreted his voice into his own understanding he obviously picked up on today and they age it's obvious the resurrection because people are being resurrected no we're not going into people's grades yet and pulling them out but I  but I'm sure were bound to wake the dead because were only partially dead at the point of our resurrection at this point in time but the fact of the matter is I mean we have China who says that you have to get a government ordinance for reincarnation like these things are happening to us all over the earth and I do think that there is a disc conception or a misconception of morality here like the fact that our own humanity's are being ripped BART and we're selling our children for wine and these things are happening in our data has laminate lamination  does the resolute like relations is here it's happening all that stuff is happening dude like there's not a fucking thing in revelations that's not fucking happening like I see it maybe because I'm in the middle of it but I see it do you know what I'm saying God to live but I just do what he says and try to be good people and love love love love our teachers and listen to the tank minutes and do under others as you want on it   And read Proverbs and does listen like you had there's like everybody says the Bibles boring and like there's nothing like a vegan about it and do that it's fake and that's because we live in a time of darkness like we're still going through this time of darkness but you're so kind a C in the relation of what's happening to the reality of what's happening like if you read that and call you from a very analytical scientific mind which I very much Jim like this is probably one of the most profound things that I have ever fucking place my eyes on my God it's glorious and I don't use glorious lightly  like their secret decoder inns in there that teach you how to build stuff that are so freaking marvelous like it teaches you how to transcend believe understand you're freaking lake entire fucking being into you know your spiritual your body your metaphysical your your life it is you about your your your history like this is this is your history this is how the planets became like it teaches you about our brothers in the universe that I teach at water sister did you do about the angel the teachers about where we come from it teaches you about the origin do you not know about the origin like the origin is so cool like we used to study  but the origin is for real just watch guys I'm still going to do all the things of God sent me out to do it I'm still going to build a new earth because I'm not dead yet Grace is still alive Grace is still here I am still here I'm still Kickin and I am still telling you I'm preaching to you and I'm still out there trying to get what I want done and I'm still doing it but I'm telling you every single thing that I know about this world and every single thing that I know about science and everything will thing about my witty inventions at all is because of God like if I could just use one  anyways when is this is I ask God how he does it any kind of gives me like the right directions and like that's me on like little task and ask him like OK will how do you like how does this work and like he kind of shows me in my heart and my mind and my spirit and my time and you kind of shows me how he started it and he kind it and that's why am a processes because I understand him and he's working order because I don't have knowledge of God because I love him so deeply guys and if you don't know one thing about me you should know that I really love him  I have so much content in my life for knowing him a lot of shit and my heart is at peace except for today besides the fact my family my heart is pretty much happy and I think him for that because I can't even like I just need to read more so I can like tell you guys more so I can like speak more 

Monday, May 1, 2017

 Right so onward with venting because I could barely read the first couple paragraphs last thing that I hurt because of how bad this with analyze me my boys with analyzed I mean my voice was analyze know you get out. So anyways I'm really tired of being forced into situations it's been like a fundamental like progress and then I've been on like this March off please leave me alone please  please leave me alone please Grammy mind the pendants please stop raping you please stop forcing me to be certain type away please stop controlling my mind please stop putting me an automatic manipulation please stop lying about me like this please can you just like you show me a little grace for ones like just let's just stop for a second and really give me some grace like give me some breathing room like it took me three years to fight for my like personal rights to even helpful oxygen which I'm not even getting my full oxygen so I bought some oxygen tanks and I'm sure that I'm going to go  and I'm going to get a little bit more health from that because you know it's really hard when every single thing that is about you and I really want you to like place a pinpoint on about about you is controlled through the people that have basically tried to murder you that I was stocking you know that our vilifying you that are demeaning you that are analyzing you incorrectly you that are not putting you just be a natural person like  can I just live can we just live for a second and can I just live because it's so hard for me to just live like is there no make you take all of this but you cut out like the basic human dignity is that we have as if they are completely irresponsible to your Moto bike do you know oxygen or muscle mass or physiological needs I mean  should I mean these things and not be governed by people who are this year responsible let alone covered by anybody unless it is your self or is somebody that has your best motives in their heart and it's blatantly obvious that you're here to destroy the fucking earth because y'all motherfuckers interior responsible to give some people some credit and the fucking basic breathing room I mean to put it like this short and blunt and in layman's terms you're just fucking rude and you're just fucking mean  and you're just fucking wrong all days like you have been trying to force me to be a certain type away and you have been setting up in discriminate bike actions within the whole sociological whole environment just for the Alcom to defeat my love for God basically how much pressure do you have to place onto one thing for it to change its into higher relation with its origin  like how do you figure this is going to work OK well we made the Adam bomb so we place enough pressure on one couple things to this place it's entire origin but not really because this is kind of how you know consumption fucking happens I mean like you have to I mean this is 2017 guys were not that advanced and I'm sorry to break your fucking bubble just because you got some fucking technology and you can fucking tell the poor and you're pretty fucking people and biological and you can rapidly you speed up  bubba blah so you have like these technological Vances that are that were concealed for almost 100 years that should've been disclosed to the public for the protection of the public and now you're pouring it out in the public for the control of the public because of the deceit that you believe is in the aspects of your own well-being because of her text you but I don't want to be involved with you I want to be able to go on and do what I want to do I want to go to school and I want to become a physicist that I want to fucking drive and I want to make a new inventions that I want to help people and not separate from what you want me to be you are trying to  and it's kind you're trying to change me and it's kind of fucking idiot it's just like the irony of like your stupidity by you not listening to what I am as a person like you can feel what I feel at this point in time but you know how deeply this resonates within me when I say something like you know how fucking strong I feel things when I am certain about something you know that I'm fucking certain about it like that I'm not fucking stepping down bro because I know there's no error and what I'm fucking saying and I know for a fact that I have separation for my own.  For meal good enough to know that I don't have to be alike with you and if you don't listen to like the Bible and like all of it spirituality and like if you don't listen to them as a physical part of the other portion of the Bible and you don't understand how that applies so I'm out with the relationship with in the universe and within time like there's something that's comparable like that's wrong because these things will be in truth no matter what like this is going to be proven a stress because it already pretty much as it's already here like there's no way around if you don't listen I need like you're just gonna have to deal with more bullshit fucking later to hear keep telling you not know that's not right no it's not right to write the entire fucking all right no it's not right to put everybody in biological know it's not like right but everybody and fucking you know income if I can slaughter them know it's not right to do the shit it's not healthy for fucking our humanity it's not healthy for a long Jevity it for living it's not healthy for us it's not healthy for offspring it's not healthy to get fucking switched it's not healthy for us it's not healthy to fucking poison our fucking food not healthy to Pocket Skinner writer fucking biological system it's not fucking healthy to fucking kill her fucking I need like you're just gonna have to deal with more bullshit fucking later to hear keep telling you not know that's not right no it's not right to write the entire fucking hard no it's not right to put everybody in biological no it's not like right but everybody and fucking you know income if I can slaughter them know it's not right to do the shit it's not healthy for fucking our humanity it's not healthy for a long Jevity it for living it's not healthy for us it's not healthy for offspring it's not healthy to get fucking switched it's not healthy for us not help you to fucking poison our fucking food not healthy to Pocket Skinner writer fucking biological system it's not fucking healthy to fucking kill over a fucking animal kingdom is not fucking helping to Pocket boys and I fucking blew it with the fucking  The fucking healthy to keep on fucking doing the shit and you're just fucking think that y'all can just fucking put a Band-Aid on a Band-Aid on a Band-Aid on a Band-Aid until every single fucking thing is just so fucking covered up but there's no fucking problem but that's not true because your rapidly and accelerating Lee changing our entire fucking species and this is a big fucking deal it's a huge fucking deal and you're doing it to fucking pretty much every single fucking person and you're fucking doing it under the ordinance that it needs to be done for fucking social fucking piece and it is corrupt and it's wrong and is not happy it's just so fucking wrong  I mean because I did not turn out to be the person that you wanted me to be because I had individual life and I had life experiences that change my perspective and change my reality to be a certain type of person that I desire for myself and it pisses you off that a person that comes from something that is so her Renda's as the strength to rise over what you have put me in so you must feel that it is a necessary that it is necessary to control this one single person you started this entire fucking thing over one fucking person not wanting to be a whore you  you realize how wrong that is because I fought for my independence because I thought for the fucking independence of our people so you fucking told everybody that this is how it's going to be regard air regardless just to make your actions against this one person acceptable like do you think this was a little unsubstantiated the I think this is was a little unnecessary do you think this was a  bit too much like I don't like the fact that I was a fucking child prostitute I don't like the fact that I was a presidential child prostitute I don't like the fact that 90% of the fucking pedophiles in my fucking network or nasty scummy fucking faggots I don't like the fact that I was raped by them I don't like the fact that you're trying to force me to have a fucking attraction to all these types of fucking people I don't like the fact that you're trying to fucking set up my fucking future with people that come into my fucking life to control them to control me to control my fucking  my future a.k.a. my child or children that eventually I would like to have born out of me carry it in my woes mine mine  I don't like the fact that I was fucking pimp to fucking you know some of those disgusting people walking the face of this fucking planet like I don't like the fact that I've had to carry their fucking disgusting my fucking back I don't like the fact that you're trying to fucking demean me I don't like the fact that I'm being more I don't like the fact that you have this much control over myself I don't like the fact that you're trying to make it believe that I should be what you want me to be because of worry regardless it's going to fucking happen  on the contrary your regardless God rules and God does govern and your regardless y'all motherfuckers are either going to get checked by me without my science typic inventions and on my witty fucking ideas and all my witty fucking places that I want to do and what I want to be where you're going to get checked by the Angels and your regardless this is what the fuck is going to happen to this fucking planet you will either have a new earth with bounties of glory in love and kindness and happiness abound in every fucking planet I mean every fucking corner of this world  are you are going to reach your fucking famine and you are going to allow them as a public to do this because we don't know what to do because we are segregated too often and to quickly and no doesn't matter if you don't believe in God it doesn't matter what you are you're religious purposes it does not fucking matter what your orientation it is does not fucking matter I was believing that wickedness should be there is or was not having enough faith to fucking pull our humanity together and rise above what is happening is wrong it's odd for us don't you think that's a little fucking Audi you think our ancestors would just be like oh yeah well let's just we have always fought our price or is what depresses us has always been fine if you don't fucking believe that money is the newest form of oppression you can just look at what the fuck they're happening there segregating are hard they're touring it out of her fucking chest they're giving it to somebody else and they're not letting you fucking feel for your own fucking children your own fucking kids dude like I've been to this my entire fucking life dude it to you that you will or you won't do that you will you will care or you won't and it looks to us that humans might not have much of a care Jean
 Right now the great fixation over me has to be do with my maternal deeds in this world which is in part that they obviously want me to bear child soon.  Warning I'm not going to edit this I'm riding with my dictation technology and I really don't want to go back through and add all the punctuation but since I have to vent and I'm going to vent on here I really want to talk about how much I hate the fact that I am under this since being that I am president or forced to be a certain type of way that I don't have children because I do not want a child at this present time in my life.  For all of you that you've known like I've always love kids and I hope that I have a child one day but it is imperative to me that I do find a nurturing relationship and I do find love and with the world circumstances and with the control around my life and in that's great abundance I just don't feel but these things are in my near future. I can say  I can say is that it's not fair for me to have gone through what I have gone through been a victim of social construction repeatedly been forced into a shadow government game philosophy that is prevailing over all of us and not to be Grange my independence my liberty and not to be given justice that I deserve from the acts in the humanities that I've happened to me  there is no way that I will bring a child into my residency tuition with all that is around me I watch my family being slaughtered been switched my own self been slaughtered been switched for all of this and I must know that my technology must happen for us for me to feel comfortable and confident and bringing in a offspring of my own into this world and those days are not here just yet baby gone they have but they are not in my grasp at this point.  The arbitration of the governments in our world against its people bring no fundamental of peace but bring and Heynis idea of the concept of difference in peace and these things I will never abide by these things I will never agree in for how the breach or an technologies is being handled is not for the site of mine but is for  but it is for the distraction of others and until I can build myself a world where I have peace and I have prosperity in until I can build my independence and where I bow down to only God and do no other man I do not choose your path for my being I would never choose these things this person that I am and I will never agree I will never agree with you about the thing  you have done to me. You're speaking today that off on the world if it is possible you want your own present reality into a place that is extraterrestrial extra beans are these things of candy wise for the bearing of our offspring are these the things that will eventually happen to our planet into our people but we read we become more than just a human being?  It is possible with my dignity and my placement in this world as possible with my phone about my life my brother sees my prophecies about my life that I do excelling to a place where there is the potential of my own collection of difference if this is happened for my own nurturing and knowledge and for my own self and if this is the place that God will place me to be as I want And these things are these things are for my potential.   As of right now I understand that my albums have been teleported that you killed the original Grace and put me in biological into a woman named Sarah and other women that went through the same and different demonstrations of cruelty that I went through and developed in but not quite on the extremities of what I went through just to prove to the human consumption and to the human mind that  that there is no power greater than what is the stowed upon one another that I am out of control and there is no control of my own self year that I do not belong to me but I belong to them and this is a great sorrow for my own self to know that I will have to go back through time to find my own open to dig my own self to open my own life and to bear my own offspring and this is what I want and these are things that I will eventually live up to or I will die trying which doesn't seem to ignorant because of course if you do you says that we're going to be rolled over by this regardless and we're not quite as mighty as what has already become because were kind of ignorant I don't know how else I can stressed ignorance that is upon me that is around me that is around me that a boy it's very how the reality of what I know and what I feel these people are evil that I've done this to me they are corrupted their wicked and they do not want the intentions of humankind to survive but they want the intentions of humankind to be under control total and Autre control there is nothing that we can deliver it to there's nothing that we can attract ourselves and 3000 years we are not even supposed to be able to think for us of our free thought will be gone and we will be a muse a big attitude for growth and distraction for rise of powers and falls of made for what we  but what we have no intentions of preventing in this day and age for our futures but what we agree with for what we do not understand that we forgive ourselves so we do not know I am likely and he's these whenever five on us because 3000 years or I will see the angels angels will be here within 3000 years and the angels are mighty mighty mighty beans right here than Austin my idea than them in mightier than possibly all of the worlds energy combined doesn't make one  does not make one nano second of what they have already understood so again where wallowing in ignorance and they just don't know what to do with all of their crops and so they're pouring it out upon the people is what we have become so I'm not gonna be forced into the situations that they are saying that they are trying to make me become a different being when I want is when all I want is God quite honestly that's my focus that's my intentions that's my love that's where I abide in and as a believer of the hereinafter in as a believer of heaven then as I believe in  hell I do not wish to spend my eternity in the gray wickedness I do not wish to spend my intern Indy and grab some Satan and I do not wish to abide in sane through and I will not for that matter this is the resurrection we are here it is happening at the resurrection is more if I ask more than just an accident it's more than just the reincarnation of being it is this book  it is the spoken truth is what is here but was here and what will be here to come it is deeper than what we are receiving and for us to dumb down the reality of the present situation and not present world's conceptual agreement with in the universe is idiotic and irony of this is when I have it say it's going to come and bite us in the fucking ass but that's just me. And to say the least it's not really just me because in nature and in the universe and what we are governed underneath which is God's will and God's law which is the laws of our science which is not necessarily in different to say that miracles do exist and to be delivered to the fact that miracles or scientific is to say that for gives and takes four equals and oppositions what will happen is already second time it is already places  these things are written before us before creations before existence these things are written when we were cast down cast out of our garden and the curse is falling on there's no way out of this there's no humanly power to override the effects of what you have done we are not ignorant  but we are idle and we are on manual power and in the manual manipulation we live in an automatic world in automatic time but there is no thought-provoking in less there is nothing that is deep that his resignation that is something that is bringing us or lowering us or believes of us there's no rebound is no regard we live in constructed care to divide and conquer to bring to you that lives in our luckily for us  there will be an intervention and that's why I just really don't have to play the fucking bullshit because it's not gonna be me it's going to be the angels because you know the greed of God y'all motherfuckers ain't fucking mighty let's just put it this way you think you're fucking hot without a fucking energy consumption and utilize Asian and construction is so fucking goddamn fucking brilliant well it's really not and I'm sorry for saying GD but let me just fucking put some shit in your motherfucking perspectives real quick you didn't fucking create the universe I don't fucking take God's kindness for his weakness because he will fucking destroy your assets  there's no reason for me not to do what I am told by our heavenly father there's no reason for me to not know what I am supposed to do with myself with my person with my body with my being with my spirit for hereinafter there's no reason that I do not know what I and now I am on the path of my grade does to me and my promise and my purpose there's no reason for you not to realize that I will not deviate from these my goals are ultimate   People men who act as if they are a God but they are not sworn to him from his own you or force you or blasphemy  your words will not move on like the prophecies of our father your people will be corrupted and they will die and life will bearing your wisdom with your actions in this present day or not believes will be this constructed and what do you have held against me and my life is ultimately what you have done and it is ultimately what you will face for this is a maternity that you are building for your own  memories and your enjoyment is not quite what you will understand maybe you're too young to know because of her wickedness updated hard and you being able to thrive.  I was told that I will have to listen to this one and this woman has body I am now in in biological as myself and I said no I do not have to listen I just to have to hear them I do not have to listen to you I do not have to listen to what you believe I do not have to be as you as for me or how many times this is happened to me I am my own person and I do love God and love does conquer all