Friday, May 19, 2017

Holus Bolus

So everybody all at once!  So the amount of contempt that I have for what is happening in the world is extremely high. When all this started out I wasn't much more looking at the expectancy is another person as much as I was looking at the abilities of myself and in re-examination this may have been a confirmation of my strength and I may have  I do diligence of a quickening of my understanding. So walking out of what has made me naïve and oblivious almost to oblivious consciously to the reality of how people in satanic orchestrations conduct their self ...  I wouldn't say that I was oblivious because I understood the amount of abuse that they did and I understood what happens to some of the people in in cable tray that would victimized by them but it wasn't something that resonated with me as much as it was something that stood in front of me I asked a lot of questions during the times that I started to gravitate to then understanding of the world's present state of exemption of God.  Tonight I was reading about excuses and I do realize that it isn't a need for me to start writing every single day or are they speaking these things on my telephone when I say hole is bliss I mean that there is a great deal of repetition in minimal conceptual working it is keeping  it is trying and it's might to keep up pay the profound expression that I am embarking on and focus on things that are idiotic another Hollidge hill Dality of nature instead of the freedom of expression and the freedom in love.  There's a lot that I can write about about my past about what is happened to me about the current situation I think that it is necessary for the truth in my eyes to be expressed before the great cover up of today happens tomorrow. We live in a very inconclusive time and very  and complex almost alienation of our own being. The wisdom that we are relying on is based on information  deeply under nourished and often times leaves out basic complexities of a human being.  I can tell you as a child I have a lot to say for my inner self and the experiences that I have had I can tell you that I disagree with the amount of torture that I have dealt with I disagree with my abusers I disagree with my accusers and I disagree with how things are turning out.  The amount of manipulation that I am facing is a very simple process it has a name that is not coming towards me but it is basically to confuse people of present-day to manipulate the future .  There's an expression that comes to mind when I think about how undermine that people are there's a higher self and then there's people that resonate on a very very spiritually immature And in an irate manner.

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