Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I think I am going to be a Vegan.

Seriously, scared of cannibalism.

During the past few years I have seen a lot of people be ate.
From the Queen feasting on a child's arm, to Beyonce eating a man's body part. To the underground chopping up children and feeding them to the other children in the cages. I have witnessed these things.

I am freaking out over this, because for the life of me I never want to partake in eating of the flesh.

I think I may have ate human flesh before. Like it was inconspicuously fed to me.

I heard that Ky, from California, one of the Barzaghi's... well, his mother fed in human flesh as a child. These are the same people that slit a throat of a woman, forced her to give birth, and took that newborn and raped me with it.

Yes, I have been through it, I am still more worried about the Kids and the People of the underground.

In my video Vblog I talk about this episode a little bit there.

My story starts as a BBq a few months ago.
I remember a thing of ribs- They were fragile, young, thin, and the meat content on them was next to nothing.
I didn't think anything of it at the time. I just thought it was some sort of meat, although it did cross me as odd.

The turkey breast was too large, and when she bent over a split it in front of me the meat color on the inside was too dark red.  Almost as a beet.

I didnt eat any of these, but I did have a stuffed pepper.

You see, The told me that Vladamir Putin showed up that day through this technology.

I didnt get it- I dont know.

Things become so overwhelming for me that I dont know what to do. Sometimes I just stop.
I am often lied to through V2K, I cant tell you if Putin was there within the time frame.

I can tell you this was at my a man's house i was dating... or his Apartments. The Government, more specifically Obama hired him to operate this technology because he speaks WALAF. Michigan did not have an interpreter for Walaf, so they hired him at $100,000 a month internal income. Or so I heard. I do know that he was hired.

Yes, everything internal can become external if you know what to do with it.

Having and being so that nearly ALL the people I come inverted on directly in contact with are paid off, it's hard for me navigate my long stretch of life through all the abuse I am being forced to endure.

You would have never thought this man would have turned out to be an Evil son of a Bitch, but for money people think it seems sane.

People that are hired will do anything they are told, or thier income is shut short.

They get paid a lot.

Muhammad said that In those days their money will not matter.
The Bible says that if they take the money to let them.

This is the working order.

So here now we have me at the center of one of the largest conspiracies to date. They, the evil people, are paying people to become evil and telling them that basically in this day and age it is inevil, because with your evil actions you are keeping evil at bay and pleasing their needs in order to not cause anymore problems.

The bible says nothing about being inevil.
it is Good or Evil.

Inevil is a manipulative term to allow the wicked to do as they please, and make their actions more acceptable to the normal people.


I wish for peace, and love.

I talk to Christopher a lot, not of recent because I keep telling him not to talk to me. He is a Severe Abuse Expert for the United States Of America.
He works for Obama, if you check out my instagram: alwaystaygracious. I have a few recorded sessions of my reaction to him hooking me up to a dead woman and raping us together. I also have things about Beyonce Knowles and her involvement in pedophilia, ect. You should check it out. I may or may not make it public again.
Sometimes I like to lay low and avoid all effects of my life, sometimes I speak with an agog of fury and meaningfulness. Hurry, Hurry, I call to myself.
I check out often. Some events in my life are too strenuous, too massive, to impactful to not stop and take time to process in isolation and condolence.

I am like that.

Christopher tells me a lot of things. After all because of all of my hard work I have risen to become top scientist of the year two years running and one of our internal presidents.

I think, although I love the authentication of my writing, but I need to focus on spelling and grammar. We know. I hope you are not a Grammar Nazi.

So, Christopher said that I explained Inevil well, but not perfect.

I replied him, "that's the jist of it."

So, I will go into it a little more:
There are about three main categories human beings fall into in relations to perception of action, adaptation in action, and action in action. Relationship to reasoning. (Effect: mainly used in regards and development to controlling my life and interactions whereof. ((Seeing as how the world's working order is circulating about me, and other's involvement is the butterfly effect with me in the center, or a vice versa stance for me to them, them to I- I am now upon the development of controlled and/or isolated effects and terms for understanding as to changing the motion of subsistence as in recognition, involvement, reasoning, motivation, action, ect.))
You are either one, a good person, two, inevil, or three, evil. Each providing a variation in subcategories, highrises, interversions, inflictions, conversions, and all that dynamic interpretation one may utilise in conscious reasoning or subconscious reasoning, thus motivating action, logic, and intuition. ect.

You get it?
- It's not enough I tell myself, but in the same light to fully explain this I must write an entire book... that would be explained in my life story, and I dont have time for that on my blogger. Or anywhere nowadays because I am utterly confounded at times and placed in too much mind control, too often.
It's really not that hard to interpret, but is a very Machiavellian type of design and can basically be changed into anything they really want. It's grotesque and horrid, their response is.
It's off, constantly.

I am just going to say that. It's like someone just woke-up one day and said "I'm the President, I can do anything I want."  Every characteristic of a psychopath/sociopath progressing movement. I hate him.

Literally. I mean in any fashion, state, scence. They are doing whatever they want without recoil. It's close to a tyrannical scheme of displeasure welfare for motivation in "corrective action."

It's rubbish.
And I am getting the blunt end of the stick, constantly.

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