Monday, March 14, 2016

Posting a picture of yourself after talking about pedophilia, isnt that weird?

No, its weird because I'm so beautiful, and you'll automatically link it to narcissism, and inverted relate that to paedophilia.
Guess what? It's not. The picture is a COMPARISON. Say it with me... com-pare-is-zon. Good job.
I'm not Kim Kardashian, I didnt sell my child into high-end paedophilia prostitution, and get my butt implants to look like mine either. Along with Nikki Mangji. They did that to me. Because Obama, Putin, and Hillary Clinton have a sick obsession with me.
You know why?
They dont understand why I am not a prostitute. They literally cannot wrap their Minda around the fact I want to do better in my life. Then they also have to prove that I am a prostitute to make their actions and my patient care plan correct and accurate. Because at this time in date my mind control patient care plan is derived off of me being a prostitute, killing a few people, and a child molester.
Guess what? I've had sex with 15 people, some would say 2. I've never killed anyone in my life, or acted out of social sexual normalise for my abuse level.
Guess what? If I was a prostitute, murderer, or a child molester I would have had way more promiscuity.
Guess what? The reason I would have been more promiscuous is because I am so beautiful.
Guess what? Its not because of what you did to my vagina. Someone like that would regardless.
And guess what? It's because i'm mature.
Sorry I have to dumb down to speak to your level, but seriously calling on the Lord, and saying "but My God, give me a break."
One more thing, guess what? The reason why I masturbated was for a phyicalogical need because of what you did to my vagina!
You know all the demonic sexual abuse I endured did a toll on my lady bits. Like not closing. Or not exerting fluids because it went through so much trauma.
It needed it.
And guess what? It's not the issue here, because my body and mind belong to me.
Guess what? Everything perverted about me is an unbeknownst incident of serious mind control or full incident of manual manipulation. Which means, you guessed it... i'm not perverted. I'm a fairly healthy person in a horrible situation, with unforeseen circumstances above and way out to the left of the ordinarily.
These type of people enjoy abusing people for pleasure.
And guess what? I dont like being used.
Wow. You have made great head way in the obvious. Congrats, sailor.
And guess what? This is my blog about me and my life, negative and positive, and I can post whatever I feel like at that time. Because I am more than just my sexual abuse.
I'm a real person.

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