Thursday, June 2, 2016


Maybe I should write about my family and everything...

So I am being traumatized with my niece, and I just want to tell you all, that I have pretty much disowned my family after all of this.

They traumatize me a lot.

I dont know where to start, except the reason why I was a child prostitute was because my grandmother enlisted me into the program. I head once that ever child within a 100 mile radius that was molested was viewed and controlled by her through this technology.
I dont know, but I was told that I was raped by men, and sold physically. I dont remember really, sometimes they give me flash backs, but then again they could be made-up. Although, you live in the Godsey household. They can reclose a vagina with this technology, they can basically do everything with this technology. Like turn off pain, deform vaginas, basically anything that can act organically can be technologically enhanced.

Sorry to all the kids.
I guess you will receive compensation on my namesake for this, and like all great stories, I am left int he dust dealing with the abuse without anything except more misery.

So Julia is my niece. Her father molested me for 10 years of my childhood while both of us were sold into child prostitution and placed into programs for mind control and such. I dont have any relationship with him besided when I am spoken to through this by them, or traumatized by him.

Our Aunt Christine set up my first sexual assault at 3 or 4.  Through mind control... and I have been traumatized ever since. Like with Government sex crimes, and Bill Clinton's mistress giving falicio and such, before Monica, I was like 4 or 5. I dont think I was traumatized with her. My program was to make Mistress to the State or grow up and be a presidential candidate... basically you have two sides. I unwittetly completed both in my life.
She also had Eminem rape his own daughter Haliey, and made sure he did not wear a condom. Eminem works for my family, my family works for the top drug dealer in America. So they run things.
That is why all of this is happening. I witness these things.

My grandfather was a pretty bad man, he could have been President once upon a time. I come from a family of incest. okay. They manage to keep things together. We are long term generational abuse.
My grandmother has murdered many people in her day, I am sure including family. Yes, this is scary, but you should know about me.
Yes, I can be knocked off any day, but I have a lot of worth, so I am kept around.
I really want to tell, and please take my word for it, because I dont want to go into a college type seminar on Generational Sexual Abuse and CIA government involvement mind control, but they are NOT the worst people in the world, and they are the worst people, too.
They work for the CIA and help very much to control the drug game. My family makes more money then Eminem, Beyonce and Jay, and fall someplace under the level of Putin. They run stuff.

My grandmother has a lot of power in the drug game, and basically threw me under the bus... like always.
Like not being honest with me in adulthood, but mostly because I dont like the horrors that come with this.

I was never supposed to grow up and know this, but I found out, because I became America's Rape Victim.

My mom said the last time we spoke telepathically "would you have rather been like a Beyonce, or like Grace?"
I said myself of course, because Beyonce does some of the worst things.

Basically as a child I had my body altered to not be as beautiful, like with stretch marks, and skin discolorations to retire me, and I wouldnt grow up to be a "star," and find out about what happened, and live a normal life. Basically so I wouldnt have access to this technology and look into my subconscious. I was placed on a no treatment list before 15, probably my whole life to cover all of this up. I've heard that a few times. So if I contracted a Venereal Disease they could kill the infection with this technology, or treat me while I was knocked out.

Madonna was one of my original traumatizes.

My grandmother traumatized and was a handler to Marilyn Monroe and a lot of other big name stars, my grandfather who got our family into this, too.

So... now I am unsure about my niece's safety. I heard that Her mother sold her for money, and placed her in a Mental clinic almost a year ago and she was sold to the Barak Obama, and Irvin Posey Jr. They took turns raping her.
I cant speak to her. I dont have their phone number, and even if I did, her mother is a fucking nut and sat there for the first year and.... welll... I'll go into that one day, but I am not allowed to speak to her. MY dad Brother and sister traumatized me to the point I flipped over and and gave up. I tried a lot to make sure they were safe.

They sat there for two years traumatizing me with violence. I called every night to make sure they didn't get a hit on them. I was scared out of my wits. This is why I disowned them, because they did the majority of the trauma, and played games with me.


I am writing to say to Julia, I am so sorry if you were hurt. I cant hold an unhealthy relationship with the people who abuse me anymore. I love you, but because of your parents I cant help you. I am not allowed right now. I dont want to go against you Patient Care Plan right now because I went against mine, and you can see how that has come to be in my life.

Your mother sat there for the first year of this and watched me be violated and raped, then called me a pedophile over and over again. I asked a lot for Grandpa to help me get out of the situation, but Irvin killed people over me, and would break into my house while I was sleeping and set me up for rapes. Our family watched this and didnt help me out of it.

If this has affected you, I am sorry.

I would never do that to you.
I cant help you, and I cant deal with the fact that no one loves me, either.

Heather once said
"Yes, I would sell my kid for $170,00." I didnt believe it at the time, but I dont know what trauma and what's fact when I cant speak and see you in person. A LOT went on in my life during the past four years.

I'll explain later.

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