Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Well, Here today, I wonder what is happening,

not really. 

I was writing a story in my mind, going to write online. I have to leave a blogger update open because I dont always have internet connection. 

Its a strange place we live in now a days. 

So, because drug life is so involved and reclusive in my reality, with this being Detroit of all places. We start here, the time is 1:56pm, Thursday June 16, 2015. 

I am drinking a tall boy, Mickeys to be exact. 

I here a woman say "Great, now we have to start a patient care plan for the fan." 
I turned on the fan just a few moments before. 

Someone is always watching me. there is not much to say about it. 

This morning I woke up with a slap on the ass and Christopher saying "It's time to wake-up." 

I didn't know why it was time to wake-up, I would have stayed asleep for a while longer 

They are coping what I write  so I scribble mindlessly. They repeat it back to me perfectly. 

I ask "what is that?" referring to the (:, sign )They say "semicolon"  
I really dont know right now. 
I am laughing at this now. You can tell they are just as annoyed with this unnecessary stupidity as I am. 

A woman says "they do this to Julia now, too." 

I continue to laugh and the image of me sitting in a classroom filled with P.C.'s pops up. All the kids around me, and I am hunched over in confusion and not knowing how to hide the voices following me. I still laugh and my subconscious speaks, "I hope you dont laugh at this is school... Not to draw attention." 

I realize at the moment this sudden image came up the response I have given is well fitted, but not perfect. 

I cannot tell a her how to handle this situation when everyone is against this. 

For a while I have heard them speak about my niece. 

Once it was said the Julia's Mother made her have dihharia in class, all over her self. I figure this could be true. I kinda hate Heather- for multiple reasons I might add. I was told that this is so "she would not grow up to be like you." 
Like a pooh-butt. 

You never know, well sometimes you know for sure, if these are meant for psychological subliminal submission plans, or the real thing. Most of the time they are confirmed in reality. 
How much conditioning dose one person need? 

I am worried about her, you know. Enough to say for the past month I have been avoiding the situation all together expect the few times I have spoken about this to the public. 

Every time the people around me would say "We'd do the to Julia, too." 

I am worried. 
Do I beat the shit out of everyone the opens up against her. It's usually the first thing that crosses my mind, but all I am left with is them using this technology to electronically rape her afterwards. 
And at last, to no avail, I would have went against the Bible and made a larger mess. 

I havent been able to speak with Julia for 5 years. 
On behalf of Her parents, and my family. 

I can tell you that I dont trust them with her anymore. I dont trust that they wont be slipped Ketamine, Rohypnol, GHB, or the many other intoxicants out there and are unable to protect her. 
I dont truth that they wouldn't sell her for profit, either.  
Not with how much they have been traumatizing me. 
I know that writing this can put her in state custody, and I dont trust the state with our children either. Only some, but not with how corrupt this world is, not in regards to my blood. They would do the same thing to her. 
I would never sell a child for money. Regardless if they offer a million dollars.

For one, I need to speak with her personally, or call the police. 
I dont trust the police either. 

There were a lot of child snatching in America last year. I called my dad every-time they started traumatizing me. 
I was so scared that this would happen to one of them. 

Someone says "why dont you talk about the trauma." a man. 

I dont know. 
I dont know if I am ready to go over it. 

I can tell you it was gruesome and dark. 
A very scary time in my life. 

I freak out a little inside. 

I feel lost here. A lot hopeless. The last thing I want is for my niece to be put through any of this. Or any child for that matter. 

I wish I could talk to her in person to handle this properly. I dont even know their address. 
let alone phone number. 

So, where i left off.. it is now 7:40p.m. 

Tomorrow I will have an eventful day. I will file HIPPA violations on all the doctors that have not treated me. I will gather and stay as close to priority as possible. 

I heard the news... 

I am not sure if this is true, or how much of this is real to me. 

The man I was with, who's house I am staying at temporarily may have contracted HIV. 

After he left the apartment, frustrated and overly annoyed, he telepathically says to me "I have HIV, one and two." 

Then as he is driving away someone switches on his monitor for me to hear, and he says "I have HIV, but at least we used a condom for protection." 
He was speaking to the landlady at the last apartment I lived in. 
(that's a whole other story) 

Then before he leaves, he says "I am going to give it to her." Showing a picture of an African woman and the reverted memories of his ex girlfriend. He continues and says "So she will be my wife. FOR LIFE." 

He calls her after speaking with the landlady and says "If you tell anyone what I told you about Vladimir Putin, I will give you the worst sever about of you life." 
They will pay you Two Billion Dollars for this. He continues and says "External." 
Then goes on to ask, "Who did you last sleep with?" 

The thing is, they will come back and say that it was one of her sex partners and not from a presidential source. All a big conspiracy. 

I sat in my car for a little bit and painted my nails gold. 

Two young woman walk by, about my age. One says Telepathically "If you have it, I have it too." 
This has been an on running dialogue between me and most of Detroit. 
She continues and says "not from him." Referring to the memory of Irvin. 
She tried to blur out as she was speaking about who she would have gotten it from, and how they encountered it from IRVIN.
She then continues and says "I would take the two billion and SHUT UP." 

Then she gave me sever abuse, by forcing my nails to run against things unnaturally. According to my Patient Care Plan I am not allowed to have anything nice. 
So, everything nice of mine is to be ruined. 

She went on to say "Yep, I got it." 
After 10 minutes of her bashing my nails into things, I took a bat and beat her over the head through this technology. 

She was reading the Patient Care Plan of hers and said "They could cut off my leg in car accident if they wanted to. (that is the sever abuse I deserve.)" 

I may have had HIV since I lived in California. When I came back from there I spent two weeks in a mental facility trying to just be normal. I pressed them to give me an HIV test. The nurse came in with the print off of the results and it was a false negative/positive, or other wise inconclusive. 
She seemed nervous and apprehensive to show me. I knew then that I had come in contact with the Virus. 
I told her to do another one and it was negative. 

For the two years I was tested every three months. All negative. 
In Detroit the emergency rooms always ask you if you would like a test for HIV, every time I have gone I have always said yes for this. They do a finger poke and rapid response test, quick & simple. 
I have always been told it's negative. 
The last few times I have gone to the emergency rooms, they never gave me the test. 

I went to the health clinic over my PID, and as I have said before I have been fighting a vaginal infection (full blown) for four long years. 
The government keeps using  this technology to instigate the bacterial/viral reproduction and thus the antibiotics I got offline ceased the work. 
It is on my patient care plan to have had chlamydia for 15 years, and eventually have a forced hysterectomy. 

It has been three months since I have seen my period, and at this point I realize that they sterilized me. 
I have complained about these procedures over YOUTUBE often.  I am crying in sorrow over the loss of my womanhood. 
You can feel them. The public condoned this on me, and everyone agrees for the money to cover this up. 

They sterilized right after OBAMA stole one of my Ovum. 
That is was started this on me. 

I have been lazered, Inductive sterilization, and possibly even have had one of my ovaries removed from my body, all at the hand of our Government and the covert technology. 

Hillary Clinton even went as far as to say "Sterilize her entire genetic code." 
All the way to Jerusalem. 


This is today's news in my life. A piece of me wants to cry, and a piece of me wants to stone evil to death. 

A piece of me hopes for the end of suffrage, a piece of me hopes the world ends and the little green men who are also God blessed to rule over who is left and defeat this technology, because what I am dealing with will be the new absolute norm. And I have not even begun to tell you the heartache I have seen, and the trail of tears we are accepting. 

I am from King David, ya know. It's his line they are sterilizing.  
Because they are literal satanist, and once again I dont not say that lightly. 

Please stay with God and Jesus. I know a lot of people shy away from these two, but money is not acceptable over our land, our Children, our bodies, our world. Revolt, March, Protest, raise your voices, send the youth to nurturing environments, pray, do not listen to THEM, revive, renew, love one another, demand our rights in AMERICA, demand our rights internationally, STAND UP! 

Be strong, be brave, be kind, be gracious- 

BY the way, three/four years ago I cured HIV. 

Around the time of the Ebola Epidemic, Obama was killing off a lot of holistic doctors, because they did not have to follow the Federal internal Patient Care Plan, and actually healed people.  
The HIV CURE method was completed by then. 
Obama would not allow the work of this cure to happen on American Soil, because he makes too much money off of this disease. 
Some very brave and with all my gratitude doctors tried to take the trip to Africa to finish the production of this method and medicine. 
Their plane was crashed and all of them lost their lives.

That is around the time I stopped wanting to help people., and I tried to be "normal."  

I refer to them as "My HIV WORKERS." 

It was said that most of the work was already done, then he put a stop to it. 

He used this technology to crash their plane. 
I heard they tried to sue over it. 
the families anyways. 

I dont know if I want to complete the process anymore. like I said, I am being overtook at ever corner and every straight. They are letting me die. 


but why must this continue? 

I took more pictures of my body modifications. I will post them online. This time they did it so hard to my rear that it left bruising. 

You can see where they forced an implant, like but implant, into my behind. I can feel it, the shape of my ass has changed. everything. 

They keep adding cellulite to my body. More stretchmarks, and disfiguring me. 

It looks artificial. 
SO, i guess I will post pictures soon. 
I dont have many nude pictures of myself before the body modifications, if any.. and if I do they are lost in the phone lines. 
I may have taken like one. 

Right now they are thinning my hair. 
It's my sever abuse for speaking what is right and true. 

it's like no one cares. 
It is now 8:34 pm... and between the few breaks and concessions, this is what I have written.  

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