Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election 2016

These are my final hours to speak about what has happened around and to me through the past five years, and my whole life for that fact. I know I am late at this, and life is as life does, it passes in a glimpse of an eye. I do hope that my voice reached enough people about the things that have happened to me to change the opinion of our people, not only about myself, but about the Government and parties involved.

I want to tell you that I am a product of mind control. A product of my environment, and a prevailing with every umph of might I can muster over the persecution that I have endured at the hands of my accusers. I have been vilified, lifted, transmergered, raped, denied, spoken about, liked, dishonored, and just about every negative adjtive you can apply to a person has been held over my shoulders. But my head has always stood higher. I for one, know I am an intelligent, kind, honest, and yield a fierce passion for dignity and integrity within respect, but especially tonight for the sake of humanity in present day and to come. I am a very real person. I call it as I see it, and I don't submit for anything except love.

My name is Grace Ann Younkins, and my life was programmed to be ThebrideofChrist. That one statement holds the truth of this election. As far out as it may have seemed  my heritage brought me up to be apart of the world of Christ's life, my story, my life and times are directly out of world religious texts and prophecies. I am the direct lineage of King David. I, in most instances, pose a threat to the people that I disagree with. Which according to popular margin and opinion is desperately needed for the checks and balances of what I have seen in Evil's arms. For me personally, it is to heal the nations, and let freedom ring. To restore God's kingdom on Earth.

They told me once, that all evil things eventually come to an end. I have seen not a beginning to an end, but a transformation of this. Although, I have an abundance of hope for our lives. From my life I can tell you about MKUltra, mind control, covert government experimentation, the world of our current underground holocaust that is being denied its life in our eyes, an internal war that becks and chooses its victims by fate. I can express to you the feelings of lonesomeness that I have, how it is to be picked apart and my life denied it's freedom. I tell you the struggles I have seen through other's eyes, and how lost I feel this world is known for now. I will tell you that this has not been an easy road for me to take, but I have tried to walk hand in hand with all the victims I have encountered in the past few years. And I keep their memories alive in my heart, for I have found a great comradery with them. And for the ones that are still available to hear me, know I choose your freedom as often as I can. Know that I love you, and the remorse I feel over these situations is so deep in me, that I will never stop fighting for you. Know that I love you.

I sit here, with a passion to write to the People tonight. Under the control of others. The immediate pressure I feel is their way of deterring me from helping you.  It is a literal infiltration of reality, and a literal excretion of force onto my skull.  When these first started in abundancies, my trauma records, I felt used and taken for granted. I have been made sick and ill to clip my wings and mussel my voice. Each letter I wrote at one point gave me cancer. A cancer I stood still in and carried to see the light of day for the people in the holocaust. A cancer I found cures for. I am bashed in the head, mutilated, raped, and deformed all at the hands of the people who sold me, as the children are being sold around me. As my oxygen was cut off, so sprung the #blacklivesmatter movement. As my voice was stolen from me, the music came and lifted it in the air. As I found who Baby Grace was they sacrificed over me, they sacrificed our dignities. As I sprung superiorities in intellectual achievements, they turned off my brain to not be able to think. Like a switch my light was out. All I could do was watch as the shadows began to move over me. As I was claimed to be "Becky with the Good Hair," they made it fall out, thin, and are still trying to take away it's luster. If I love you, you must pass away for them to prevail and keep the dishonorable measurements of this abuse continuing. That is mentality against me. When I curbed the Ebola epidemic, Obama brought it to America, and with Hillary Clinton set forth the disease of the next virus, Zika.  This is what they have done, this is just the start.

The product of my environment is control. Who gains the credibility of control over me? To tell you the truth, this has been a life long battle. As for I have been known before this walk on earth to be the BrideofChrist. All the elders came to gather around and look upon at the nativity of the Lord. This would have been my birthday, May 10th, 1989. I would say Queen Elizabeth was present, the Pope, The President of America, even our new king Salman before his reign, Jacob Rothschild, and many others that I have lost connection with or have kept silent over the course of experiencing the quickening of my knowledge of the world. My mother and father, my sister and brother were there with me. But the ones who viewed are the ones who I am speaking about.

The Queen's Courts chime in "before."

Yes, as I was developed in the womb, their faces I was connected to. I was told that my abuse began then. They said that they put my umbilical cord in my vagina and raped me with it.  It was part of my systematic design to develop me into the fate I have encountered. Less than half of these episodes I can say have been by reasoning and spontaneity, but the majority have been direct effects of mind control technology and patient care plan outcomes. I would say that of the less than half due to spontaneity, a large percentage of them were trickled down impact of formulated plots and patient care plans previously developed across the pond. It's a sort of butterfly effect we live in today.

Because of this, by the age of two I was a million dollar child prostitute.

The first time I was told about who I was, they said "You will grow up to marry Jesus Christ."
They spoke to my subconscious. A voice that is so low only and inner guidance could listen.  This was said to me around kindergarten, maybe four yeas old.

By the time I was 18, I had the ringer of life experience.  I had been a victim of child prostitution with aide of mind control technology. I lost my teeth in a car wreck at the age of 15 and could have died. I had committed suicide twice. I was raised in a dysfunctional household, molested nightly for a while, beat and neglected. Our home was once labeled "deplorable living conditions" by the state of Michigan. Had a single mother with psychological disorders, and an absent father. I was kept away from proper socialization which inevitably lead to my creative mind. I was placed into IEP programs in school. I was traumatized with mind control technology often. Molested by people through that method, even Madonna was one of my handlers. I had my memories wiped clean about being sold into demonic child porn. I am still unsure if my mother was a key player or a victim herself, but my grandmother is a fault for this against us children. I was virgin prostitute sold to rich men and drug dealers. I was sold to powerful people. Hillary Clinton molested me, and she arrogantly says "I paid good money for you." I dont know how many people has sex with me in early childhood. I felt really at loss from where I was from. Mostly because I was traumatized so often to never realize the abuse I was involved in or the occurrences of my family's network around me. I refer to myself as "the child left behind." I had been under retardation therapy.

And by the time I was 16 about to turn 17, I started to be raped by men and the vivid unresponsive child started to show through. The rapes by an old man at 16 made me feel all the emotions that I would have been able to process with if I had knowledgeable memory of my early childhood traumatic experiences to my consciousness. I could have avoided it all if I was allowed to heal, and even better, if I had never been hurt to begin with. My subconscious was in a state of manic chaos after I was prostituted and raped in everyday life for the first time. It was drilled into me that I would never be a prostitute to hide my abuse. I experimented with drugs after him, and didn't start smoking cigarettes until I was 18.

I was told that between 9-11years of age I was one of, or even the first person in everyday life to be cured of HIV through direct energy methods and mind control technology. I remember my grandmother finding out the information that my brother and I contracted HIV. "FUCK, Grace and **** have HIV."  Here is the hardened woman, sitting in her flannels watching the tests internally register for HIV on her grandchildren. It's almost like an echo now. I can imagine that she was smoking a cigarette, as she always does, watching in anticipation from the news that HIV infected someone she sold me to. I didn't watch her, I just listened as she shouted out the news to my subconscious indirectly.  This was all playing out in my life and in my subconscious.

I was placed into internal programs for mind control. I was labeled a "legalized child prostitute." I was a figurative part of "Project Control," and "MKultra" from the day I was born.
I don't know when my case was taken into American internal courts, but it eventually happened for me and the rest of the 3,000 or so children that were labeled "legally recognized child prostitutes." The older Kardashian's were on this list with me. I was one of five children hand selected to be examples in our internal courts. Possibly because of who my family was in regards to the NWO and drug net working, but I was told it was because I was a "good child." and "a good example." In the courts they played back a segment of the hearing to me. My FBI worker and lawyer where trying to prove a point about mind control and it's effects. With a demand for answers, confirmation, and closure she said to the courts/judges/audience "They made this one retarded!" Internal courts are a hard place to fight. You have to be made of intelligence, brass and bronze to stand there. Sometimes to win, you have to throw what we stand on as politically correct out the window and open to blatted honesty. I guess, this attitude grew thicker skin on me.

Someone just told me that it was less than 3,000 kids in this program. Either because the others may have died and been covered up, paid off to keep quite, or Kim and the Kardashians want more recognition. I was told that some of my peers in this program were killed/murdered. Its horrible what we went through.

THEY WON! WE WON! They helped me so much. They ended the Legalized Child Prostitution Program! During the time of the investigation I was questioned and informed in my subconscious a lot. As daily life went on for me, I relatively knew nothing about this, but in my daily life now, all the information I was exposed to help me fight on an internal level. They allowed/helped me to develop strength. I do have to give some credit to my family for making strong.

Queen Elizabeth, about a year or so ago told me the reason why all of this was internally possible. She said "You know why I let her go?" Holding up a picture of Cathy O'Brien. "For you." Then she continued with others and said the same thing. "For you." She ended the conversation with "you know why that won?" "For you, too."
She said once "You're prominent."

Someplace in my history I was put on a no treatment list. Which means that I should have received full treatment internally like I did with HIV. When I was got into my car wreck I was not even diagnosed with a concussion that I know of. When I had my first papsmear at 15, I found it peculiar that the doctor asked me "How many people have you had sex with?" I told her one. I felt like she was wondering why my vagina was as nice as it was, and it kinda weirded me out. I think back now and it could have been because I was on the no treatment list, and typically woman that have had exstrvigent numbers of sex partners get denied treatment. I have heard that my boyfriend at the time contracted chylmdiaha and he wondered how I never got it. To this day I have never received a diagnosis about any bacterial infection although I have had obvious signs. I am still fighting with the doctors to even disclose that I have HPV, and obvious cervical cancer. I cannot receive treatment for these things. Each time I see the doctor they all tell me the same things. "A woman cannot see her cervix." They made my infection so bad in he past four years that I ended up with pelvic inflammatory disease. I find it odd that I never had chylmydiaha or gohneriahs, or HPV according to the tests and doctors, but my reproductive organs are unhealthy with life threatening illnesses.
I documented this in my youtube vlog a few times at the hospital and the treatment I receive there. Always the same thing, test results come back negative or non-reactive. For a long time I thought I may have never got anything until my symptoms turned green and ounces of puss were coming out of my vagina each hours. It took a two year long battle with the multiple doctors to even get simple antibiotics. Or when I would get them, it was never enough to clear up the infection. I would seek alternative methods for treatment. It's on my internal record to only give partial treatment as a form of punishment. The number of doctors I have seen in the course of my life over STD's is extensive, and all of them have denied me treatment. When I first got bacterial STI one of my earliest symptoms was bacterial Vaginitis. I did receive antibiotics for that often, but never what I needed. It's been 10 years of repeat doses of flagly, but not the peanut butter shot like I needed, or gram-negative gram-positive antibiotics. Within the past year, I finally convinced them to start giving me antibiotics, but still no disclosure.

I was told that I may have contracted an STD bacterial infection as early as second grade. And when I was 12 I did test positive for chymidiha internally.
If there is no documentation of STD's then there is no evidence that I was ever raped. This was just another method to cover up what happened.

Earlier this year I called the cops over being slipped Date Rape Drug again and the hospital literally told me that they do not test for these types of drugs. On top of that the Cop traumatized me, and never called me back about the incident. I did all him 2 months after, but I still have not received any reply. Why didn't he pick him up right away and take him to jail? Why is he not on the sex offenders registry with a clear cut case like mine? Why am I not being protected out here?
We all know hospitals test for everything. How am I going to prove anything when I get no disclosure? Why don't I have positive tests, when I obviously carry the infection? I have even been tested for staph and it's always negative. Negative for HPV and I have warts on my cervix. I wiped iodine on my cervix and I have cancer, too. Cant get treatment! No Medicine. Guess what? I can see my cervix, all women can with the right equipment and a mirror! I have video, too.
How does any of this make sense?

I called a few lawyers and they all said the same thing "I cannot force a doctor to treat you." I had to delve into conversation with them for them to just hand over simple advice, and all of them were reluctant to speak with me. One finally said you need a "patient lawsuit" on the test it's self, and you have to get a doctor to agree that the test is faulty. Cant do that either, because doctors are government mandated and could loose their license if they don't follow internal treatment laws, or worse be victims of mind control their self. Like me.

I did go to the doctor that treated me for PID, and at first he said "You have Gohneriha." Then I came back for my follow up visit and he said all the tests were "non-reactive." and concluded "then you don't." in regards to having a bacterial infection. I also had warts on my cervix as the time of my papsmear and he did not even mention them to me. Same thing since I starting seeking treatment. "Youre normal."
"Youre normal."
How long do I have to suffer to get correction?

I will talk about my medical treatment in detail later, but you get the idea about this being a conspiracy around me now.
It seems to be an on running dialogue that they have set up for me to repeat the same things. We have ruled out delusion in all situations because of this. It's real. It's here, it's happening all over America, the world for that matter.
I was informed that if you are repeatedly told the same thing over and over, you will start to believe it eventually. You'll see that in trauma based mind control experimentation always.

Not to mention California, and the incidents with the Barzaghi's.

If you fast forward to present month, November 2016, I would like to retrace the past five years from here, or even about California. This is the climax of the story, and why our democracy is changing in the rapid motions of idle thoughts and actions. Election day is less than an hour away, and this is message is part of our world history.

I am a victim of mind control, no matter what my purpose is. I live in Metro Detroit and I want to take you back to 2011 when I first heard voice to skull telepathy.
I filied a police report about a man walking behind the counter at my job and slapping me on the rear. As he approached me he said "I can do this." Like I was property of my rapist, and he was the one acting out acceptance for their action and agreeing with them about keeping me in sexual oppression and abuse. The cops did pick him up, and I did press charges, I am not sure what came of them.

About two weeks after I filed the report I woke up to "She's awake, she's awake."

Anyways, this all springs from The Barzaghi's starting some chain mail about me being a child molester to cover up the rapes that they did to me. They said horrible things about me and told people that this was a legal document and to "write everything weird about her." Everyone knew. I could not go anywhere without someone who has heard about the letter, or read it for them selves. It said some pretty grueling things on there. Mainly that I was a prostitute, child molester, and just generally odd. My friends knew and when I asked them about it, they just denied it like the document said and went about their business. I know a lot of them were put into mind control around me to say the right things, but they all betrayed me. I say that 70% of my current abuse could have been avoided if someone would have been honest with me and direct so I could handle the scurilization and defamation about me in an upfront manner and tell people the truth about what happened to me. I still to this day have not seen the document, but I have had some read to me. Somethings that were said are about nick names like the BLACK WIDOW, that I have HIV, I am a hoe, and really hurtful and untrue comment. Even that I eat my boogers. It also, had nice things like I look like the plus size Marilyn Monroe or Kim Kardashian. Or that I was kind. Although, people said that I was too kind at times, and that also makes me weird. There is no winning with this. It took multiple people stating that I was raped my the Barzaghi's and me breaking down after the counter incident about rapes for people to finally get the fact that this is not the correct story.

I believe that the government about a year and half ago had it taken down, but I do know there are people that have/had copies on file. Along with this technology documenting all of this, I am sure one day it will be able to be looked up.

That letter made my life incredibly difficult, and I was emerging from death defying acts of  demonic sexual abuse at the hands of my accusers.
I want to make sure you know, we have laws to protect things like this so situations as mine don't get out of hand... and now our democracy is at threat. And that's the way the cookie crumble. This is another great example of why Hillary should not be president, as if you didn't get that from Bengazi and how she fails to protect, or how she acts like confidentiality is never an issue, you should know now.

If what the Barzaghi's said was true, I would have been taken in for questioning, or by DFS, or something. besides the fact that is was out right illegal for them to start a chain mail letter stating this was a legal court document, and to not tell my sister, brother, mother, father about this. My brother may have known, too. I know for a fact his child's mother knew and I as told that she was part of the original pay off the first time I left Califonia and went back to Missouri.
Someone just said that "Hillary explained this, and everyone excepted it" About questioning. All I recall her saying is that "there is not enough evidence for court." "She'll get out of it." But what she really meant was "I don't want her to get popular." She said that too.
I asked so many times for this to be brought to court. Pleaded to the FBI, CIA, and the government in general to bring my rapes and this to court over the Barzaghi's. Hillary made the executive decision to protect the Barzaghi's because they are personal friends... and she raped me as a child. That was a key fact in her decision making process. I am sure she didn't want that our of the bag when this was immature and I would gain sympathy by the public. The order and fairness of things is overwhelmingly construed, and again, laws have been broken by our lead officials that have been set in place for the peace of this land and for the safety of our People.

So, I am setting the record straight, and I may bounce around a little because the story often overlaps.

I woke up to "She's awake, She's awake." A woman telling her partner, a man, that I opened my eyes. I look around the room in awe and wonder where the voices are coming from.  At first it wasn't like voice-to-skull. I though my phone may have been tapped and I was hearing the other side of the receiver or something. I got up and said "Okay, I have snapped. Irvin has snapped me."  Then I get out of  bed and think about the most logical explanation as to why I am hearing this woman speak.  I think that there are cameras in my apartment... or anything really. What is this I just heard? I get out of bed and I lean into my neighbors adjoined wall and listen to see if they were the ones speaking. I remember so vividly the raddle of a quiet room with nothing but a fan shaking back and forth from the osculation. I could tell from the echo of the fan that there was no one present in the home or at least movement besides the whistling of wind. Our walls were pretty paper thin.

At that time I lived in Lennox twp. Michigan. This is where the whole butt smacking things happened. Right up the road from my house. I would drive the half mile to work, back and fourth. I was a gastation attendant at a Mobile that is attached to a Mcdonalds. I had just started a new relationship, and ended another one, or something like that. I was a new employee there. I was finding out more and more about what was going around about me while working in the Mobile, and how much people have been talking about me because of the Mcdonald's crew. I knew the majority of it already, seeing as how this was following me since Califonia. It was about 3 years after California. Mainly and the most problematic and instigating one was the manager. I think his name was Leon. I was in therapy, and I actually liked my therapist. I was trying to lead as normal of a life as I possibly could given my life circumstances. I had just left another job working with developmentally disabled individuals. I moved out of my grandmother's house, the house I grew up in, she kicked me out actually. I had to quit the other job because of a few incidents that happened there, and mind control, pretty much over the chain mail that went around about me saying that I was a predator of some sort.

When I left the job working with people living with DD it was because I had a meeting with the head people, and they asked me to take a psychological. I immediately got up in a pissed off mood from that table, in that meeting, and said "You don't need to know that!" I was insulted, and left. I took that as an oath to quit listening to people's hatred and odd perception of what I had been through. I didn't even know everything that I had been through. But, my God, a story like this doesn't just develop because one person is to blame for everything. And that is how people acted towards me often to cover up actions or what was said.

I take a break for a second and move to the kitchen table and calm my nerves about writing. And a few people are arguing, one is saying "They did that cover up what they were doing." I kind of forgot about this, or how everything went about happening. But I will write about what happened while I was working there.  So I started and was really happy about it. I loved working with the special needs community. I worked with them since I got out of high school and that is actually how I started working for the Barzaghi's. Taking care of their Developmentally Disabled Son, Akasha. I met his older brother Ky first, and he helped me get the job.  I will tell you the rest later about California and everything they did to me there. Or at east everything I know and can tell you.

When I started working there, I was hired by a woman that husband was working for the fire department. I remember she had no front teeth, but I don't remember her name. Like most special needs homes you get quirky and different people that work there, most of them are caring and kind, but still different. It's said it takes a special kind of person to work with developmentally disabled individuals, and it takes heart. This particular group of homes I was listed to work for were three different houses. They all were different functioning levels.

I am being hit in the head. It hurts, and they want me to stop writing.

One of the main reasons why I had to quit working there... and someone just reminded me of this, "they were illegally recording her."
Right. The little white radio that did not work with the camera in it placed on the counter in the bathroom while I was bathing people. That just mysteriously showed up and had no functional use.  I often put it in the draw because I knew it was a camera and I felt odd being recorded, and it was my way of intimidating them for doing illegal acts. Did I know for sure that there was a camera in there, not. Was it fairly obvious. Yes. Could I get proof without breaking it, not. Did I try to break it to see? Possible, maybe a few times, but I don't remember.
But since this technology has been on me my whole life, you can just rewind the whole event and hopefully this will be enough to get this into court and settle correctly. I am still asking for this. I know I am not at fault, and the ENTIRE situations needs to be handled externally and with professional and lawful guidance.
So that is why they asked for me to get a psychological, because they wanted to cover up the illegal documentation of recipients and workers.
I do not blame them, I just think they should have been forthright and upfront about the chain mail. And not violated recipient rights.
It's not like they weren't going to deny everything about what they were doing, so I would have been placed in a catch 22 about the whole situation.
I overheard a conversation from the back office about the house manager speaking to one of the new workers and she said "What we are doing is illegal. We can go to jail for this." She was quing her in on what was going on.
I caught a glimpse of the tape recorder once while I was walking outside and the other worker was on  a smoke break. I asked what they were saying, or jut inquisitive questions in general to try to get them to respond to me and tell me, but they denied it multiple times.
They would say things like my "hair is messy" and again everything that is "wrong" with me.
When I went in for the meeting with management, they started to whisper while I was in the restroom, and said things that most of the workers said about me. "Be careful what you say, they say she has bat like ears." And at that time I did because of mind control technology. I was able to hear things that should have been impossible to the natural ear, and it made me really confused to be honest. I don't know how many times I questioned myself. And they went on to even commented on my hair being well groomed on that day. One of the women responded "Well yeah, it's the office, everyone makes their hair nice for here."

I did talk to my therapist about what was happening while working there, but I was still in limbo with the whole situation, and after having my rights striped away from me I really did not know what to say or do. Or what to say.
I showed her my hair one day, as my hair is curly and because I did work overnights, I would take a shower in the morning after work, and then sleep on it sometimes. It was what it was. That is how my hair naturally is. I always pulled it back and I have natural fly-aways. I thought it was kind of beautiful, definably not unkept. It was brushed, washed and condition daily.
I did tell her about the meeting, and she suggested I hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit. I never did. I felt really overwhelmed by EVERYTHING at that time. Still some days I do, too.

So, what happened was mind control. When I started working there it had been three/four years since Califonia and all that I went through with them. Although, I was traumatized daily by my handlers and that is really hard to deal with when your emotions don't match your intuitions. It is like being completely over ridded and made to transform. I would get weird premonitions, anxiety attacks that never ended. Literally had debilitating anxiety from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed just about for those first three year after California. Not to mention what mind control I dealt with in California.
After over three years of  being out of that situation, with therapy off and on throughout those years, and trying to get stability under my belt, I thought it would be a good option for me to work with that community again. I thought I would do well, and I would have if it wasn't for the fact that I was traumatized.

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