Sunday, December 11, 2016

Kim, and I

What better place to start than with this:
"will you suck his dick for $1000?"
"that man down stairs."


"then you're stupid for income."

Life in the trenches of sexual abuse can e exsausting, and anguishing to say the least.

This may seem like child's play to some with the exchange of income from one body to one hand, bu the reality is that I would not say no to these offers if I knew I wasnt meant to become a willing party in the future to these advancments.

I can back it up.

They tell me today that the Kardashians own me again- I supposse you can take a look at how my body is going to be transformed. They have said if they do it enough to me, I will eventually become weak and just give in.

Skin to skin.
 Shame for passing.

These things I seek were never for the body of money generation.

 These seem to be the ugerncies of reputation. Or respulsion for the form of living.. Kim toldme today that she is goig to kill me,"watch."

I see my death as it passed by.

There did you see me in the caskek, kim?

Where is the casket? These girls reply.  nature of there srrounding. Where are you to me. Home of hell,solmon of life. Whois the death of you to kill the life of me?

These strenghts you lie in with waiting of vengence, and my web; the cast of your misery.

The strings, they play, the cords you pull.

You pull the wrong one, and the chain is dismantled. Here we are tithinging it together again.
Skin to skin,
eye for eye,
ear to ear.

Do you fall there? in your own web?

Are you abundant in this mystery?

Are you the fly and I the virtue?

Is this your black widow?

In indian terms the death is life, and mother is health.

One who gives can also take away.

Did you give me my life, kim?

Are the victims the offspring of lust in this web I have spun. You have been here for quite some time, and the cord have not broken on their bow, the web, my silk, your honey.

Do I leave you, and you come to me.

Was your trap the exsistance of flight?
Your weath brought you here, and you stayed.

Is it sad that you cannot excape? This web was it woven for you, or was it woven for the fruit of my nature.

The one that giveth can also taketh away.

Youre bitter over her. I have seen you days long for death of the life that is short in hours. As the fly, you have come with your wings to stay.

As these things, you have fed a pain.

Does this go beyond your entanglement, Kim?

Maybe to excape, you stould have never struck that cord.

It was mine, and yours together.

Who giveth and who takes away?

Your cord could have broke through now, life.

These things are the sorrows of misery. The cast of thougts being beared by silk of a spider.

Eight legs, they hold to the future, the expected has happened, as they have happened in the generations before, and in the generations to come.

Do I feel bad for you, Kim?

Maybe not anymore. Tomorrow I am unsure.

Money, they say they have more.

This is where flight as taken you.


Do you know what this is?

Do Iknow what you say when you precive your action?

Today was a thought, a way of life.

And this is just where I stood. In the midst of flight.

There is not a way of protection from the elements.

Life, what is this to me?

I feel like this is the emersion of bright laughter.

Do I think twice about you and your words, only if it is needed.

They taughnt me.

"she is one of us now."
" Before."

Okay, onto a serious note. 

Kim is cursed for the ages.

Well, now that I have prevailed.

So, with the quickness you say these things.

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