Sunday, November 13, 2016

Help for the Kardashians

So, mind control victims are being labeled as inconcomitant in our courts and it's really making me angry, because this is a literal force in reality that is changing our daily lives and physically controlling our thoughts and actions. Besides the fact that it's responsible for basically every cultural phantom in the past 30 years, at least, and some prior to that.. it's a devastation of the wold to be handled by such an manipulative creed of humans that have access to this type of technology. I mean children are going missing off the streets, they are paying people large amounts of "income" to rape and submit the public to abuse in order to condone their own actions against the people. This is a crime against humanity.

Christopher just said that the government will always have child sex slaves, and I am going to write for North West today. They say that according to her Patient Care Plan, and trauma record, that my kindness with interfere with her ability to thrive and the consequences for being kind North are her going through demonic sexual abuse to brain wash her into being a more perverted and deprive her of being able to obtain normal and healthy sexual relationships and keep her quite and contained in sex abuse and slavery, to protect their income. She is a very deep and real MKUltra Child Prostitute on a presidential level, but it has been much worse for us children raised in this since Obama and Putin had their say so about income generation off the prostitution of children. To some, money is far greater in value than that of the love of these children.
I mean co'mon, it's written all over the Kardashian's faces, actions, demeanor and so forth as of the past four years what they have been doing to these kids. Not to mention that I am a first person witness to these things. Look at how they have been dressing North. In little g-strings styled bathing suits, and look at the explosion of nakedness of children in the past four years running through the industry. North has to walk around in larger shoes than fit her feet fora while so she will always have to remember "she has big shoes to fill." for living us to Kim sex symbol status. And they are generating income from billionaires and trillionaires to pay off people around them to shut up about the underground holocaust and to "keep the peace."
Look at what they did to my reputation. They are blackmailing and threatening murders over people who will not submit, or abide by the "order." So what is it easier to do in the past couple of years, take the money and shut up, do as you are told.
Because North, and the Kardashians are being prostituted as sex kitten with the underground children. And my life, their lives are great links to the reality of the horrendous nature of what is continuing to happen to all these little babies, children, and adults, that are housed, tortured, and experimented on. I look at this shit that is happening to these people, and I feel like this is a modern revival of the 1600's torture science experiments that happened often during that period.

It's so sad to see abject oppression.

Oh, yeah, the reason Kim got jacked was she was flashing too much wealth to the public. You can see she has toned it down a little since then.

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