Sunday, March 13, 2016

Today, a day in the life of.

Well, he started out with "why doesn't she write this stuff down?"

And "I hate this woman."

No one likes government programming at all.

So, because of all this I have been forced into situations with people that I dont want to be in.

So, I'm sitting here in my room and the person the government has set up for me to be with and slip me rohypnol, and sell and rape me is my roommate. I met this man the first time around in Detroit. Basically, he is having me raped because the people that originally put me under mind control, like the Government, are paying off everyone to do as they say and cause distruction to my life. T Basically using income as a form of control. So, they paid him some exuberant amount of money to have me set up and rape. A lot of people in the Government say this is an unneeded social experiment, and in my opinion they are seeing how far they can control the population through subjecting it to lies, violence, suppression, traumatic experiences, and coercion and serious manipulation.

They use this technology to wipe out my cognitive abilities, and make me fall asleep. Like I said this technology can do whatever your natural body does. Like forming sleeping functions, bodily functions like heart rate, oxygen intate, and even defecation. If you do a little research into Targeted Individuals you will be able to find that a lot of us share similar experiences or traumas under this technology.

So, I am under a patient care plan, and this is just how the government internally directs formats and situations onto the people. Some people's patient care plan says to give the cancer, aids, or any number of diseases. We are social experiments and they even have made people developmentally disabled in the womb. They have started patient care plans on infants to have the grow up to be cereal killers, rapest, and even brain washed people to do things like Coloumbine and the many numerous public shooting in the past decade. The church shootings, school shooting, 9/11, and bombing on buildings in America just to push the NWO demented plan to form one world government, and a one world people. I heard that eventually we will all be the same skin tone, and our cultural diversity will no longer  be in this world. Besides that all of this is about income. Cause people to have cancer, they will control the population and funnel more money into the Government through medicines, ect.

So, I fit in some place in the here and now. Between the beginning of mind control and in the middle of forming a world totally controled. Why? Because I'm Grace, and I didn't follow my pateint care plans and they cant have that. I also, want to end oppression and heal the world, because I can, and they know this about me. Plus, like i said i have been forced into horrible situations. My family raped me because they are part of this whole mess, too. Like I said, my grandfather was one of two people in drug world of America to have this technology. My family are traumatizers, and my grandfather used to control the North-East drug network. He was a pedophile, and my grandmother did not really care if people were molested or raped, especially her daughters. She is an extremely manipulative person and works with Eminem, Dr. Dre, and others. That is why Eminem wrote the MMLP 2 about me. So, I know all the inside info because I have had this technology on me for the past 4 years straight watching and being forced to experience horrible trauma, and speaking to just about everyone in the top drug world and the entertainment business through v2k or synthetic telepathy. So they have a lot of money and dont want to loose control of the population through ending mind control and are trying to rape me into submission and make me look delusional. Problem is, I know way too much, and they always knew I wss going to write a book about what I had been through prior to 2012, but they dont let woman like me go. And i want freedom form oppression.

So, the reason why I am writing about my Goverent operative rapist roommate is because he always threatens me.

Like today, through V2K he told me he was going to put a knife in my vagina the next time I dont lock my door.
And this is all governement mandated for them to do these type of things to me.

So, I told him he's going to die an early death and his heart carries a lot of darkness. He also said it would be a good Idea to place a live child in front of me and have me masturbate to them so I will look more like a pervert and then there will be a good enough excuse to rape and hurt me.

So, there's a lot of back history into this. But, i'll leave it be here.

So, a lady just calls my roommate @7:36 pm, and says "do you know what she just wrote?... It's not untrue."
RM: "I'm not worried about it."
Lady: "Once they find out, they wont like you." Pointing to a picture on Senegal, Africa.
Lady: "She's a lot nicer than you."

So, all i can say is that whatever the Government comes up with against me, that's probably not how it happened, and not with how they say it.
Or were you there? Because I was, and i know the differences.

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