Wednesday, May 25, 2016

It's been a few days since I have posted on here. I started an Instagram and now have a little documentary going on there. I will use both of these, and youtube.
It's incredibly convenient to record the 60 second video in the moment and  allow the reality of my expression to cross the visual barrier. Something I think I need work on while writing.

Last night, I guess I posted too many reliable videos and they shut down the camera on my phone. My phone is not even a month old. I haven't been able to find out how to reset the system, not power washing but configuring the programs internally. I think I have to hook it up to a computer and reload stuff.

Well, I woke-up- and every morning I am briefed on what is going on, and traumatized in the process, but really I was just told that El Chapo raped me too in Califonia. I kinda am sad at this because while talking to El Chapo during all of this I kinda/kinda-not liked him. I know he's a master manipulator and a child molester, but I have come to the conclusion that God is CORRECT and they have been hardened at the heart with the revolution of this world's present state; mind control, and just plain experiences in the land of Canaan (I call the dope game and it's people this, because by nature Canaanites were dark merchants.). Later I will try to tell you about my interaction with El Chango (what I have called him, because I like it better) and why he went to jail, who put him there, the bet, the women in his life, his trillion dollars in a bunker underground (or it was), his involvement in my story, his anger, why he came out in American Media, his underground prostitution rings, how he taught me a little more about mind control, the bet, ect. I kinda put him in jail, twice, and got him out the first time, and put him back.
I haven't talk to him in while. Possibly a little while since he went back to prison, but this morning it dealt with my Family, and well... I dont want to talk about it further.
This goes all the way back to Charleze Theron.
"I finally got mentioned." She says.

I have been told enough: The game chooses you, you dont choose the game. Once youre in the Game you can never leave.

I dont think I have given you a whole picture of why I have landed in the middle of what I have landed in, but basically I was forced into drug facilitated sexual assaults in California by people with really deep connections, and I was blessed to have the position to be spared by God, with my elders and huntsmen to rise-up and bring in the new world.


I'm serious.

I am a product of Mind Control, but more a product of lovingkindness. I basically have all the great attributes of one of the best leaders in the world because of my programs and experiences in life. I am proud of this, I just wish this was all my own, and not devised, but being spoken about before your exsistance is pretty big.
You know how now-a-days we are all wrapped up in Celberety Gossip and what going on in the underground. Well, you take the world's wealthiest families, and they talked about my life as a source of philosophical entertainment and fascination, before we even knew what I was going to look like. My life has been an religious and elite sensation for a while, like centuries. Like when the forefathers got together and fought for Independence of America they did it for God, but the The Crown allowed our independence for my possible life here. Something like that. America was established internally so prophecy would come to past here.

I was told, and great joy came to my heart, that when some people viewed me in California, I was told that they said I was peaceful. My heart smiled a little.

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